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January 28, 2012
Q. Very tidy third round.
JAMES KINGSTON: It was nice I got off the blocks nicely, drove the ball beautifully on the front nine, missed the fairways on the back nine to make it a little bit more interesting. But in general, yeah, happy with 67.
Q. Is there something today that worked that didn't on previous days?
JAMES KINGSTON: I hit a few more fairways on the front nine, gave myself just that many more opportunities to pick up really good iron shots. Like I said, I think I rolled the ball as well as I have in some time.
Q. Certainly there do seem to be more opportunities out on the course today.
JAMES KINGSTON: Absolutely, yeah, benign conditions, and I wouldn't say the course played easy, but as scorable as possible.
Q. Most people are getting the rust out of their system. What about you? Busy in the South African camp?
JAMES KINGSTON: Still the start of the season but we have had two or three events to play so got most of the rust out. Feel like I need sharpening up on a few things but always working towards that.
Q. I guess you haven't played quite as much as you would have hoped, a little problem with your knee.
JAMES KINGSTON: It's not serious. Just from one round of golf‑‑ I felt a little niggle and had it checked out and right now it doesn't seem to be all that serious but there's a little bit of a concern.
Q. Aches and pains that go with the profession?
JAMES KINGSTON: Must be the age.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports