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November 11, 2011

Anna Nordqvist


THE MODERATOR: We would like to welcome our current co-leader, Anna Nordqvist, in the interview room. Congratulations on a great round, 7-under, can you take me through the day a little bit?
ANNA NORDQVIST: Well, it was a solid day, I hit a lot of fairways and greens. I gave myself a lot of birdie opportunities. It felt really solid and I kept rolling the ball well with my putter. I'm happy with the day and excited to be here. I can't wait for the weekend.
THE MODERATOR: We have been talking about how it's 11-11-11, and you tweeted this morning that with it being 11-11-11, let's make it a memorable day. Did you have any idea coming in that it was going to be such a memorable one?
ANNA NORDQVIST: I guess it's a good sign at least someone is following my Twitter, but to be honest, I didn't feel that great waking up this morning, so I just tried to make it through the day and be patient and just try to do my best.
Obviously it became a memorable day and like I said, I'm happy with the day.
THE MODERATOR: Great start on the front 9, you got off to a birdie binge early on. Can you take me through what it's like when you get on a hot streak like that?
ANNA NORDQVIST: I think personally there's more birdie holes on the front 9 so I kind of tried to take advantage of those holes. Turning 5-under and you obviously want to try to keep it going. It's tough but you've got to stay patient and even though they might not roll in you got to fight through to the end. I made a good birdie on 15 and 16 to stay in it.
THE MODERATOR: It looks like you're going to be playing with Juli Inkster tomorrow, and we've all been talking about how impressive the rounds she is putting together are. How impressed are you guys by her? She is 51 years old and she still manages to keep herself in contention.
ANNA NORDQVIST: I always said I wanted to be like Juli Inkster one day. She is a mom, she is 51, and she is out here and still competing. It's a great opportunity anytime you get to play with her.
I watched her a lot growing up and just to walk alongside her on the fairways and try to learn and catch a little bit of her brain is just such a good opportunity for me to get better.

Q. Can you tell us a little bit what your strategy was going to be or what was going through your head before the plane touched down here in Guadalajara?
ANNA NORDQVIST: I had two weeks off so I got a little bit of rest since our Asian swing. I have been practicing a lot, but this is one of my favorite courses.
I think this is a great track, it's narrow off the tee and the greens are pretty small but since they are firm this week you want to try to get 'em on the green and get yourself a lot of birdie opportunities and hopefully that's going to pay off.

Q. After a good round like this, do you think that you can win the tournament?
ANNA NORDQVIST: You can't win the tournament on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday, but you can play and put yourself out of the tournament. There is obviously two more rounds and when I left the course I was a co-leader, so I can't ask for a better spot right now, and you have to keep going through the weekend and keep believing and playing the game I've been playing.
THE MODERATOR: Thank you very much, Anna.

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