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October 26, 2011
N. LI/M. Sharapova
7-6, 6-4
THE MODERATOR: Questions for Maria, please.
Q. We just got word that you're withdrawing from the tournament. Can you talk about the injury and all that?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah. You know, the ankle didn't recover as well as I had hoped after the first round. You know, the swelling got a little worse. It just limits my movement a lot, and it's not something I really want to risk, especially, you know, at the end of the season, knowing that I, you know, have some time to recover and let it heal naturally instead of really pushing it, you know, and damaging something else.
But, yeah, you know, I came here with -- I didn't really have any expectations because I never quite had -- never really had that type of injury before.
I tried to push it as much as I can, but I think at this point it was just maybe a little too soon.
Q. Any regrets about trying to play here?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: No, not at all. You know, I came here. I started training. I put my mind to it, and, you know, I did everything I could. There's nothing -- you know, there's not one more thing that I could have done.
I mean, I maybe could have done quicker type of healing things or some type of anti-inflammatory shots, but I'm not really that type of girl. You know, I like to let things heal naturally, and I think it's just -- it's time. Every injury requires a different amount of time. I think with the way I sprained it and the amount of swelling I got so fast, it was just a little too soon.
Q. Obviously probably not how you wanted to end the season, but can you just characterize how the season has gone for you? And also talk about -- I think Caroline has probably wrapped up the No. 1 ranking for the second year in a row as a result of your withdrawal.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, obviously disappointing to end it this way. But, you know, I have no regrets. You know, I started the year I think barely in the top 20, and, you know, I don't know what I'll be at the end of the year, but I definitely progressed from last year and I've improved and my game has stepped up.
I still feel like going into next year there's so many things that I can improve that can make me better. It's just something I look forward to when I start training again.
Q. And Caroline?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Um, yeah, it's an incredible achievement to stay at that position for so many weeks. She's just been, you know, so consistent and has been able to stay healthy and play so many tournaments.
I mean, that's a great effort.
Q. When are we likely to see you again on court? What's your sort of pre-Australia plan?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Um, I believe it's Brisbane. Yeah, that will be my first one.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports