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October 6, 2011

Kevin Na


Q. Kevin, you grew up not too far from Disneyland. Back in the day they called it an Eticket ride. I think that's what you took us on today.
KEVIN NA: Oh, wow, that was a crazy round I had today. I was hoping for nice and just a low-key round, a few birdies here and there and not many bogeys, and man, it was a roller coaster for me today. It takes more out of you when you play a round like today.
I mean I had a 4-under -- I mean I was playing awesome. I was 4-under after ten holes, with two bogeys. I was going great. And then we got on the clock, and I had a three-and-a-half-footer. I hit a good putt. I felt like I was a little rushed, and I hit a good putt, and it kind of wobbled on me and horse-shoed, and that really threw me off. I made two more bogeys after that. But it was nice to finish with that all-around good putt on the last hole. That was only, what, four feet, if that.

Q. Went about eight feet, though. Went around the cup.
KEVIN NA: Oh, Jesus. I mean I was just showing my round of the day. It went all the way around the cup. I was like, oh, boy. Oh my God. Okay.

Q. Your first time to play this course, and obviously it's playing longer today, Rocco said that, because it's not rolling much. Did you almost have to throw everything -- any preparation out the wind owe because it was so wet?
KEVIN NA: It was totally different yardage from last week, and it was really cold this morning. I don't think my driver was going past 260. You know, I had -- from 150 I'm hitting -- you know, chip 7. So it feels like Pebble Beach out here, you know, in the beginning of the year. So it's really tough, with a little rain coming on and off. It'll be interesting to see what the weather is like in the afternoon. Hopefully it stays the same so it's fair for everybody.

Q. Yeah, after last week, last week you probably made three bogeys all week. You made five bogeys today. You're just fine.
KEVIN NA: Yeah. I'm looking really good right there.

Q. Different mindset, though, don't you?
KEVIN NA: Yeah. Definitely. I think -- it all depends on the weather, but I think the scores will get better as the week goes on, so let's try to keep making a lot of birdies and fewer bogeys.

Q. Hang in there.
KEVIN NA: Thanks.

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