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October 5, 2011
6-1, 6-4
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. (Through translation.) First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your win in China Open. Last week in Tokyo, you won the championship. This is one of your most important victories in your professional career. In Grand Slams, I would like to know, when do you believe you will have a breakthrough?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, this is tough question, because, you know, you never know. This is tennis; it's a sport, so everything can happen.
The Grand Slams are most important tournaments. But like we see in women's tennis, everything can happen. It's so many surprise all the time. Of course I will try my best, and of course, you know, I just hope, you know, next year I will do much better in the Grand Slam than I did this year.
Q. (Through translation.) In this year's US Open, in the first round, you played against your sister. In your daily practice, did you have any suggestions to give to your sister on tennis?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I mean, we are practicing together 17 years, so like whole our life, so it's always tough. Playing against each other is always not fun because we are sister, best friend, and are always supporting each other.
When we have to play against each other we don't really enjoy it, you know. So, no, we just went on court, played the match, and we just want it to be over.
So, yeah.
Q. (Through translation.) Could you give some comments on this afternoon's match Jie Zheng?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think we played against each other, but a long time ago. Of course she's very tough opponent, so I knew that I have to be focused right from the beginning.
Actually, I think I did that. I was really playing good in the first set, but in the second set, I think she start to play much better and I was having trouble, it was tight games.
But I think the most important thing was I think the game when it was 3-2 and I was Love-40 down and I won this game. So I think it was the key on this match.
So I'm just very happy I could close the match in two sets. You know, I was just being here two days, which is not very long, especially playing on a new court. It's always tough. I'm very happy that I won this good match.
Q. How tough is it to maintain a high level in a tournament, especially after the whole calendar year? At this time point at year end, it seems that injuries and fatigue tend to hamper players' performance. How tough is it right now to maintain a high level?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, you know, it's always tough, especially now in the end of the year. Everybody are pretty tired, you know, and especially sometimes, you know, when it's couple players fighting for the Championships. So everybody wants to play everything. We're playing a lot.
So, but, you know, it's tough. It's in the end. You know, the season is ten months, which is really long. It's hard to be in shape.
But I think, you know, of course now I think everybody is thinking about vacation. We have just two or three more tournaments, so I think we are just pushing ourself to play some more good tennis.
Then of course it's over.
Q. (Through translation.) What would you like to say to the Chinese fans today?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I know that everybody against me; I could hear that. (Smiling.)
But, yeah, you know, it's always tough. Actually I was very prepared for that.
But I think, you know, of course they were supporting Chinese players. I understand that. I always enjoy playing on this courts. The fans was good, even when against me. I would like to thank, you know, of course. I just hope I will see that many of them in my next match.
Q. You find Tokyo and Beijing quit different cities or similar Asian cities?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think a little bit different. I mean, you know, you mean on like a side, tennis, or whole cities?
Q. Whole city.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think different. But to be honest, I didn't really see much. I was playing every day in Tokyo. This year I was just at hotel and on site. So, I mean, this is a good problem, but I didn't really see much.
But I think here is more crowded, more people, and everything is like -- and traffic and everything. I think here is just more going on than in Tokyo.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports