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September 30, 2011

Michael Douglas

Colin Montgomerie


Q. Colin a mixed day for you on the links, some up-and-downs, how do you feel overall?
COLIN MONTGOMERIE: It was a roller coaster today. I don't know, how many, five mistakes and five birdies. But managed to scramble it in and three pars at the last, which was good, 16, 17, 18, good to par them all and to get in level par, which is fair for the way I played. I didn't play as well as I did yesterday.
But this is the tough one here, Carnoustie we all know that, and to get through are Carnoustie safely -- and we will all have fun tomorrow at St. Andrews, which is, I hate to say, the easiest of the three.

Q. With what you've been through health-wise, how special are days like this with guys like this on this golf course?
MICHAEL DOUGLAS: It's such a treat. It's magical. Especially I found out I was going to be teamed up with Colin. We played together in this event in 2005 when he won and he had a great, great year.
MICHAEL DOUGLAS: Oh, we won. I was there the final day. It was great. So, yeah, I'm coming back, it's disappointing for me, but the weather makes up for it, and Colin is good company. It's a great event. It's a really, really good event.

Q. What can you learn from fellows like this when you're playing alongside them?
MICHAEL DOUGLAS: Well they play a game that I'm not quite familiar with. Especially --
COLIN MONTGOMERIE: But my acting is not so good.
MICHAEL DOUGLAS: But I think it's the persistence. Colin had a couple of bogeys there in a row, and it would have been easy to really get down on yourself and he came right on back.
I think that's what I see is the tenacity and the strength and concentration, and all of the clichés about, it's another hole, a new hole. And then, Bingo, he's right back.

Q. How nice for to you play in this sort of environment with a guy like this who I'm sure you've admired for most of your life?
COLIN MONTGOMERIE: It's incredible, for all of the pros to have these celebrity amateurs to play golf with, it's a pleasure for us all, it really is. Especially when the weather is like this. Carnoustie, I have played here for 30 years and never, ever had a day like this year. I probably never will again (laughing).
But superb, and we all look forward to playing St. Andrews Thomas well.

Q. What was it like to play alongside big pros such as your partner Colin and other celebrities? Is it a good atmosphere?
MICHAEL DOUGLAS: I can't think of really any other sport that allows you to play with the best players in the world as an amateur. So that's what's beautiful about the handicap system and golf in general.
So I've been coming here for a really long time, even though the Dunhill Links has been here for 11 years and before that it was the Dunhill Cup. So it was not at St. Andrews; it was at Turnberry, Loch Lomond and at one time up at Skibo, all in Scotland. And it's a real treat. They are very patient, the pros would put up with us.

Q. What is it about golf that you enjoy so much?
MICHAEL DOUGLAS: It's just a wonderful opportunity to kind of sneak away and when you find a sport, you get addicted to it and try to get better. Right now it's been a great motivation for me. I'm a cancer survivor, recovering, and just trying to get back, regaining my strength and this is something for me to look forward to.

Q. You visited St. Andrews on multiple occasions and you have an honorary degree from the University. Do you have a particular affiliation with the town?
MICHAEL DOUGLAS: I don't. I do in the sense that I've been here and they have been very generous, and it was very kind of them. I have a number of students over the years who are the sons and daughters of friends of mine.
Matter of fact I'm going to have dinner I think tonight with a couple of students whose parents that I know, checking in on them, making sure they are okay, you know. And it's a magical place. Especially when we have weather like this.

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