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September 23, 2011

Christina Kim

Ryann O'Toole


CHRISTINA KIM: Between the two groups there were 13 birdies out there if I'm not mistaken. There is no question that Ryann is extremely talented. She proved herself at the U.S. Open. She proved herself in Portland.
And, you know, she's just a little rookie. She's just a baby. So we played together in some of the practice rounds, and she strikes it. There is no question about it. Me, it's Solheim, baby.
RYANN O'TOOLE: No, you've got to give this one credit, because without her I wouldn't have played as loose as I was and as energetic, and really getting into every birdie putt, every good shot hit. She was there when I fell.
CHRISTINA KIM: You never fell. Look at you, you can't fall, stone body.
RYANN O'TOOLE: I went into the bunker, but this one's steady. She put it on the green and allowed me to go. Kind of being the last one to hit sometimes and having her secure the pars, it makes it a lot easier for me to swing away.
CHRISTINA KIM: I didn't do that on the first though.
RYANN O'TOOLE: You were good.

Q. (Inaudible)?
RYANN O'TOOLE: I don't know how a Solheim rookie plays. I just know how to play my game. I don't remember those three missed cuts. I just know what's here, how I'm playing, what just happened and what's in front of me. You can't ever live in the past like that and dwell on it, otherwise you'll not move forward.

Q. Can you talk about the putt on 17?
CHRISTINA KIM: I misread it.
RYANN O'TOOLE: 17, I think part of me knows it's do or die, and if we're going to have a chance at winning this match, you know, I had to make it.
I was surprised at my shot into the green. I thought the wind was blowing significantly right to left and it was turning. It just held and decided to straighten out. So the fact that it held out there, I don't know. Good figure. I ended up making the putt.
CHRISTINA KIM: Go big or go home.
RYANN O'TOOLE: You've kind of got to take it as it lies and go from there. But I hit the perfect putt and it crept over the edge, so I couldn't have done it over.

Q. And you couldn't watch on the last hole.
RYANN O'TOOLE: I couldn't watch her putt on the last hole. She got too close on 17, so I couldn't see it drop if it was going to. She's a good player, and a good putter, and she was clutch when Catriona was making it.
CHRISTINA KIM: My two bad shots, four rounds for four holes. That's impressive.
RYANN O'TOOLE: I have to give her credit, and think that she's going to make it.

Q. Did you watch the screen and watch Paula and Melissa?
CHRISTINA KIM: I heard the point being won, and that was an incredible experience. I know that the girls were very quickly up, they were leveled and they got down. You had to fight, and you've got two of the most incredible golfers that you could have on your team in Paula and Morgan. They're an incredible partner. They've got an incredible partnership.
They're such close friends and they can read each other. They know each other so well. They're such fierce competitors. Both are championship winners you knew they were not going to go down without a Solheim fight.

Q. Do you want the same pairing together?
CHRISTINA KIM: I would love that. I'll be playing better tomorrow.
RYANN O'TOOLE: She handles me well.
CHRISTINA KIM: She's easy to deal with. Are you kidding? Look at these dimples.

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