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September 22, 2011

Keegan Bradley


Q. Tremendous start, just comment on your day.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it was a great day out there, a lot of really good shots, no real scary bad ones. Actually my only bogey was kind of a foolish three-putt. But it was just a good, solid day.

Q. You talked yesterday about how you weren't tired anymore after the PGA. Did you kind of feel that way out there today?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I felt great. It's nice to kind of get back to playing golf again. There's been a nice separation to the PGA, and it's nice to kind of not have to worry about anything else but playing golf.

Q. What is it about Atlanta, coming in here and playing well?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: I don't know. I mean, I really like the golf courses here. I also really like the grass that we play on. I think it's the exact same as Atlanta Athletic Club, and the greens, I just seem to be able to read them pretty well. I really like it here.

Q. You've dealt with a bunch of different pressures in your career, getting your TOUR card, winning the PGA, winning a PGA, being in a playoff. The pressure you're under to make The Presidents Cup team, where would you rank that?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, there's nothing more pressure packed than Q-school for sure, but making The Presidents Cup team is a close second. I really want to make the team, and I'm trying not to think about it, but it seems like about every third hole it pops into my mind. I am trying my hardest not to think about it, but it happens.

Q. Did you have to carry Phil in the game yesterday?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: No, I didn't have to carry him. I did make a lot of birdies for him, though.

Q. Have you seen the scoreboard? Obviously you see the irony that Jason is right there, too?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I don't think there's any big surprise. He likes this grass, too. He likes these courses, an I hope I get to play with him tomorrow. I think that would be a lot of fun.

Q. Talk about your confidence level coming in here.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it's great, and like I said, being back in Atlanta, it's fun, it's cool, a lot of memories come back, flying into the airport and stuff like that. So it's a good town.

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