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September 18, 2011
Q. At what point did you realise, oh my goodness, it's on this game virtually?
NICOLAS COLSAERTS: When I made that birdie on the first of the last two par 5s, I thought it could go maybe not to 18, but at least to 17, which I had a good feeling about.
Q. You have to be a board watcher?
NICOLAS COLSAERTS: Front nine I tried not to, but saw a lot of blue at first glance, have to keep having a look, but my focus was on my point and didn't manage to get it but half a point hopefully might be enough.
Q. How thirsty did you get on that last putt?
NICOLAS COLSAERTS: When you fight this way over three of the last four, you don't want to let it slip by. So there was no way I was going to miss that last one.
Q. How would you assess the experience overall this week? You looked as if you were out of it, but whatever happens now, it's been an amazing turnaround.
NICOLAS COLSAERTS: You know, I said yesterday, I thought I realised what bringing back a point really means.
Jean came back on me on -- I don't know what hole, with a little message saying, even a halve is good. If you give us a halve, it's going to make them work a little bit more, and tried my best to bring that halve which I did.
Q. Turned out to be an amazing day, just how important were the early results?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI: You know, it was always going to be a really tough day for us today coming from so far behind. You know, we gave it everything we had, and we had a good start and Thomas had a great win.
Now we just need a couple of putts to drop at the right time.
Q. What was the feeling this morning with the team?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI: Well, we just didn't want to give up. We knew it was going to be hard, but we each knew what we had to do in our own match and that was the attitude.
Q. A crazy day.
MATTEO MANASSERO: Yeah, it was a crazy day. I played well all day, I was never down but he played really well in the end. He made many birdies, probably four of the last five holes, so he did well. We both did well. We had a really good match, and you know, it was fun. It was fun.
Q. When you put that shot close there, you must have thought this is a good chance.
MATTEO MANASSERO: I thought it was a good chance.
Q. And Ian was even closer; what did you think then?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Well, he's a great champion. He's a guy that does those kind of shots, and you can kind of expect that from him.
Q. Apart from anything, it's been a contest today.
MATTEO MANASSERO: On the front they did really well and they gave us a chance to win it, which was amazing. They had a great effort. It was really good to play with this much tension.
Q. Can you believe where you are on 18, with all of these guys that have played The Ryder Cup?
MATTEO MANASSERO: It's good to be here. I played well and I deserve to be here. So I'm really happy about it. Obviously it didn't end the way that we wanted, but still, a great experience.
Q. Terrific fight back at the start but ran out of steam.
RAPHAËL JACQUELIN: Well, he played all right at the beginning. I was playing not good at all. But 3-up, that was normal, actually. And then, I don't know, he didn't play well. But I managed to save some pars from nowhere, and so then I think, if you looked at the board, we were all in blue, and so that was pretty good, actually. We had a good final day, even if my game was not as usual, I would say but that's part of match play I think in an event like that. I think there are some guys winning their matches even when they play bad. I will try my best until the end. I had some good chances even if my game was not ready.
Q. Have you had a good week? Have you enjoyed it?
RAPHAËL JACQUELIN: Yeah, I enjoyed it for sure. Every time I played the Seve Trophy -- this was my fourth one. Every time, it's a big experience for me and so maybe that's why I'm playing pretty good on Tour.
Q. Does it make you want to be part of a Ryder Cup as well?
RAPHAËL JACQUELIN: Exactly. I know it's going to be a hundred times more difficult than that, but it's like a mini-Ryder Cup we call that.
PABLO LARRAZÃBAL: The first ten holes, I missed four from three feet, and against that, it's tough to fight against that. And you know, I knew it was my point or half point was crucial today and I fight my best. You know, it didn't happen.
Q. When you see all the blue on the board at the top --
PABLO LARRAZÃBAL: We put our best players in front to try to do that, and you know, we try it, obviously the captain wanted me to win and I tried my best.
Q. Have you enjoyed the week overall?
PABLO LARRAZÃBAL: It was a very good week, very enjoyable. It's always great to play in a team, to play in this great team, this is very talented and very -- it's a lot of great players on this team and looking forward for the next time.
Q. Strange day there, looked like it was going to be a massive come back?
PETER HANSON: It did. I tried to hang in there and I was 2-down with three to go and managed to make a long putt on 16. Made birdie on 17, but we knew it was all over when we walked down the last. But of course, I was hoping for it to be -- coming down to the last green, the last putt again.
Q. Was that always in your head early on that it might be down to your green?
PETER HANSON: It looked like that. When we made the turn then, we had so many points on the board, it looked like it's still possible. But it wasn't meant to be this time, and just goes to show, we were a little bit too far behind coming into today.
Q. But great that you made a contest out of it on the final day?
PETER HANSON: It was. It was always fun. It came down to the second to last match and I don't think anyone expected that looking at it today. No, we had a good game. Me and Ross, it's always good to play with your Ryder Cup partner, so it was very nice.
Q. Have you enjoyed the week overall?
PETER HANSON: Very much. I think the match has been played in a very good way and good spirit. That's the key. The bottom line is, hopefully we are still going to be playing together next year some of us. So it's all about keeping that spirit.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports