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June 3, 2003

Mike Babcock


Q. Coach, can you talk about the difference of this team's mind-set now than when you last were here?

COACH BABCOCK: Obviously when we came here, we thought we were going to be a lot better than we were. We had no idea the 11-day layoff was going to affect us like it did. Mind-set wise, the other team has been all over you, so I think we earned our own respect back and got our game back, and now we're excited to be here in their building and looking forward to two days from now.

Q. (Inaudible)?

COACH BABCOCK: Well, there is no question about that. I guess when you talk about training camp, we have been a much different team than them because of what we've come from.

Q. Do you believe you can complete this thing without a little more production offensively?

COACH BABCOCK: Well, I don't know whose scoring for them, I guess would be a question I'd ask you. There is no room out there. You've got 20 guys on your team. It doesn't matter if you score. It matters if you win. No one cares. We're all going to get the credit. Share if we do well, and we're all going to share the blame if we don't.

Q. (Inaudible)?

COACH BABCOCK: There is no danger, we got spanked. We're pretty excited. Someone said they're the best team at home. Well, we were the best team on the road until we had that debacle after 11 days off. I look forward to that.

Q. In retrospect, was it the layoff that had the biggest factor?

COACH BABCOCK: There is absolutely no question about that. There is nothing you can do with it. I'm not trying to make an excuse; it's reality.

Q. Why are they so good here?

COACH BABCOCK: I don't know. Why are we so good in Anaheim? They're comfortable here, I guess.

Q. Is too much being made out of Giguere's challenge to his teammates?

COACH BABCOCK: I don't know. If we didn't play better 48 hours after his comments, we would have been done. I think everybody -- what he said to the media is one thing. What he said in our room is another. Giguere is a confident enough guy to put all the pressure on himself. I give the kid a lot of credit. It's been real positive.

Q. What have been the biggest adjustments you guys have made against their trap?

COACH BABCOCK: Just simple skating. We didn't have any legs and execution, and we do the same things we have done all year. Teams in the Final all play the same basically. I don't think that's a big issue. They don't fluctuate as much as other teams do. Most of it has been about our ability to get our legs back.

Q. Do you sense a different confidence or comfort coming back the second time?

COACH BABCOCK: No. But we weren't prepared to not be able to skate. We couldn't as a coaching staff or players get adjusted for Game 2. It took a little bit longer. I think we feel like our game is back. We feel we've gotten better in every game in the series, and we feel we'll be better.

Q. Having an extra day between games here, is that advantageous for anybody?

COACH BABCOCK: I think it's awesome for us. For both teams, you're traveling back and forth and back and forth. The great thing about us, we're used to doing that. They don't. For us, this is old hat. Yet, this gets -- people have no -- well, you guys do. Look at you, man. It's a marathon.

Q. I wondered if they're the ones now that have to bounce back? I wonder if having a couple days might benefit them?

COACH BABCOCK: Sure, maybe it does. I don't look at that at all. I know we're going to be ready. I know we've got our game back. We're ready for battle and we're excited to play in front of their fans. We would like to entertain them and do our part.

Q. Do you think Giguere is in their heads now? (Inaudible)?

COACH BABCOCK: Well, the chances the Wings generated were a whole different thing than this. These two teams, the way they played, there is almost no chances.

Q. Do you feel it's now level playing ground?

COACH BABCOCK: It's starting all over. It's an opportunity for both teams. Someone is going to get an opportunity, obviously, to have exhilaration and feel as good as they've ever felt. We would like that to be us.

Q. Your time is getting nearer now, each game is that much closer to the prize.

COACH BABCOCK: Sure. But in saying that, you know, as close as you are, you are still a million miles away. You have to stay in the process and plug away. Our big thing is we know we have to dig deep. We've gotten better in each series in the playoffs, and we have to continue to do that. We're real comfortable with the fact. That's what it's supposed to do, stretch you.

Q. (Inaudible)?

COACH BABCOCK: No, our plan is to win her on the first shift. I mean, we're going to be as patient as we have to be, but the reality of the situation is you don't get much. If it takes the overtime, so what.

Q. (Inaudible)?

COACH BABCOCK: Oh, I think so. The first goal is important if we get it. If they get it, it's not important. That's reality. They feel the same way.

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