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August 17, 2011
THE MODERATOR: Before we begin, Serena had to withdraw with a right big toe injury aggravation. Go ahead with questions.
Q. Is this related to the injury that you suffered in German with the glass in your foot at all?
SERENA WILLIAMS: It is, but not nearly as extreme. It's just a bit of an aggravation because I think I've been pounding it a lot and playing a lot.
Q. Did you feel that at any point in the match yesterday?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I felt it a little bit and I thought, you know, because I felt it before and I thought, Okay, this is normal.
But I don't think this is a good time for me to take a big chance. I just don't think that would be smart.
Q. Are you disappointed given how you've been playing lately?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yes and no. I'm definitely disappointed, but at the same time, I have a lot to look forward to.
If anything, this might be a blessing in disguise. I might get some more rest and prepare for the rest of the year.
Q. Will this withdrawal play on your chances at the US Open?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't know. If anything, it'll make 'em better maybe because I have more opportunity to rest up and get 200% healthy, which could be a very dangerous thing.
Q. Did you try to practice this morning and that's when it became obvious that you needed to do this? Can you take us through just how you came to withdraw?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I woke up this morning not feeling excellent, and then, you know, went to the gym to see how it felt before I hit practice.
That definitely didn't sit well. There is a little swelling, so I thought, you know, it would be a wise decision. Talked to my dad and I called Venus. She advised that I do what's best for me, which would be to take care of my body.
Q. Hypothetically, if yesterday's match did go to a third set, do you think you would have continued to play?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I would have continued to play, yeah. I definitely would have continued to play. Always.
Q. What's the plan now? Will you rest for a while or continue to practice? What will you do?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, definitely think rest is what I should do. Doctor's orders. So I'll probably take a few days off and then resume and keep going for everything.
Q. I've heard that one of your friends, Kim Kardashian is getting married this weekend. Are you planning on attending that?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I hadn't -- I mean, now that I have time I probably will. I hadn't thought about it, so...
Q. Would you like to explain exactly how you feel injury-wise?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Did you miss the beginning?
Q. Yeah. I'm recording.
SERENA WILLIAMS: Oh, I have a reaggravated a little bit on my toe. It's not as bad as it was before. It's just a lot match play. I've been playing a lot of the matches, more than I have in a long time.
And also training as well. It got a little aggravated. Instead of making it worse, I've decided it will be in my best health not to go on.
Q. With everything you've been through with this injury does that flare-up scare you at all?
SERENA WILLIAMS: No, not at all. What scares me if I keep going and not listening to my body. Right now I'm really in tune and really in touch with that. We have a great relationship.
Q. You and your body?
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports