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August 11, 2011

Luke Donald


Q. You had it a couple under, then went back to level par, had it a couple under, went back to level par. How do you feel overall?
LUKE DONALD: I'm a little disappointed to be honest. I thought if you could get the ball in the fairway today, you could make a score out there. I think Steve is showing that, Stricker. He's quite a few under. The greens are receptive from the fairway, and they're rolling so nice. It's a course you can attack from the fairway. I didn't drive it very well today, and I lost some shots that way.

Q. Last four holes are extremely difficult. Tell us about those four and how hard they are.
LUKE DONALD: Yeah, 15 is a brute. It's a very long par-3, kind of hitting a rescue, 3-iron, something like that. Some people may be hitting 3-wood. I hit a poor shot down the left, pulled it way left and paid the penalty.
Played the next three very well, gave myself opportunities on all three of them, and I only took one of them. But I guess 1-over in the grand scheme of things isn't too bad through that stretch.

Q. You've told us in the past you may try too hard in majors and you get a bit anxious and so on. What's the mindset this week?
LUKE DONALD: Trying to feed off my good play this year. You know, again, disappointed I didn't hit the ball as well as I did last week. I didn't have control over the driver, and I need to sharpen that up.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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