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July 1, 2011

John Huston


DAVE SENKO: Thanks for joining us, 63, you and John Cook tied the course record that D.A. Weibring set last year, but as I just mentioned, you finished with five consecutive birdies. So maybe just talk about your day.
JOHN HUSTON: Well, I think with no wind and the course being soft and as good as the greens are, I think everybody knew that we were going to have to shoot pretty low going out to start today.
That's probably the best I putted in, I don't know how long, five years maybe.
DAVE SENKO: After winning last week, how much of a confidence boost does that give you?
JOHN HUSTON: Definitely momentum is everything in golf and it's definitely a great feeling to win last week and come out here and get off to a good start.
DAVE SENKO: Get your birdies real quick. You started off, the par 5, No. 10.
JOHN HUSTON: No. 10, I missed the green with a 5-wood pretty wildly, but was fortunate enough to hit a pitch shot that ended up maybe five feet from the hole and made birdie.
13, I hit a 5-iron about 50 feet away and made it.
14, I was going for the green out off the rough and kind of squirted into the hazard and had to take a drop and I missed about a 15-footer for par.
15, I hit it eight feet I think and made a birdie there.
No. 18 I do remember, I hit a 9-iron about six feet.
2, I hit a pitching wedge about six feet.
DAVE SENKO: Five in a row starting at the par 5.
JOHN HUSTON: No. 5 I hit kind of a poor drive and was able to lay up to about 150. I hit an 8-iron to about 20 feet.
The par 3, I hit a 4-iron about six feet.
7, the par 5, I hit a 5-iron on the green in two and 2-putted from about 25 feet.
8, I hit a pitching wedge about eight feet.
The last hole I hit a lob-wedge about eight or nine feet.

Q. Did you and Cook have any words --
JOHN HUSTON: He made a bunch of birdies, too. But I think the two of us just made a couple more putts than he did but he played well also.

Q. Did you feed off each other?
JOHN HUSTON: Yeah, after seeing the start that John got off to, we were just hopefully going to be dragging along with him.

Q. (Inaudible.)
JOHN HUSTON: No, John was saying that we had 27 birdies in our group, that's probably pretty close to a record I would think.

Q. How much have you been able to feed off last week?
JOHN HUSTON: It's been good. I think these greens are actually better for me than last week. I feel better on these greens than I did the ones last week. I putted pretty good, especially the first Pro-Am on Wednesday, putted really well and yesterday I putted okay.
But yeah, I just feel pretty comfortable on these greens.

Q. An opportunity with the course record --
JOHN HUSTON: I mean, Tom's ball was right behind my marker, so I got a perfect read off of his. Fortunately it came off just right and went right in the middle.
DAVE SENKO: Thanks, John.

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