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June 8, 2011

Jason Kidd

DALLAS, TEXAS: Practice Day

Q. Are you surprised Dirk showed up today?
JASON KIDD: He shows up to work every day. Everybody knows he doesn't feel well, but we watched film and went through some stuff in practice. We have a week left of work, so you have to suck it up.

Q. The way the storyline is going, it seems like the more wounded he is, the better off you guys are.
JASON KIDD: He's a competitor. He loves this time of the year. He's a guy that plays with bumps and bruises, never complains. Just goes out there and does his job. That just rubs off on everybody. You can see that in his performance last night.

Q. Can you talk about the defense you put on LeBron. It seems like the defense as a whole has been making it uncomfortable for him to get in the groove.
JASON KIDD: He's so talented you try to make it tough on him. He's going to score. He's going to find open guys. Last night guys may be saying he wasn't aggressive, but he was (Indiscernible).

Q. There has been time to look back at it, what do you think last night changed the storyline up?
JASON KIDD: I think being able to put some pressure defensively, and then offensively you look at J.J. being able to get to the basket. And then also being able to find guys once he gets to the paint. That was a positive. Hopefully we can do that again tomorrow night.

Q. J.J. Barea says you told him to push the ball inside. Were you happy with the way he did?
JASON KIDD: Yeah, even though he missed some shots he normally makes, you have to get the ball in the paint if you want any chance of beating this team. He clearly got in the paint. Normally he makes those shots. Again, we're going to ask him to do that tomorrow night, be aggressive, get in the paint, and look to make plays. If it's not looking to score, but looking to also find the open guys.

Q. You're in your fourth series now. How are you doing? Are you running out of gas here?
JASON KIDD: I feel great. I have to make sure I take better care of the ball especially at the beginning of the game. I feel mentally and physically good.

Q. First game you guys were playing a lot of zone. Since then you guys were playing progressively more man-to-man. Do you think you're better off doing that?
JASON KIDD: I think you can't show them a steady diet of a zone, because they'll make their adjustments on the fly. They did that in Game 1 when they got a lot of open threes. So you have to throw some change-ups on them where they get a different look here and there. And then you hope they miss so they take a tough shot.
The big thing is you can't -- again, we played a lot of zone in that first game. We felt that we gave up way too many open threes. That's the one thing that last night we just played man, and tried to make it as tough as possible.

Q. Talk about Tyson and the importance he has with putting up a double-double.
JASON KIDD: He's huge. When he can score and control the boards the way he did last night, he definitely helps us in a big way. Again, giving us second opportunities on the glass is huge. Again, defensively being able to rebound and then also being able to be the play-maker, last night I thought he did a wonderful job coming down the stretch. We gave him the ball around the free-throw line and he made the right plays.

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