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June 3, 2011

Jonathan Byrd


Q. What was working for you today?
JONATHAN BYRD: Well, I just navigated myself around this golf course really well today. I hit a lot of fairways, and just hit a lot of solid iron shots. You know, I've kind of gotten the distances down this week. I feel like I'm hitting my irons a lot further than I normally do, and I just keep hitting it the right distance and kind of in my grids, and for me I'm hitting a draw and I'm not crossing my lines and just giving myself a lot of chances.

Q. How difficult is it to avoid bogeys out there?
JONATHAN BYRD: It's very difficult. You know, from hole 1 to the last hole, it's -- Jack gives you some room off the tee, but around the greens, you've got to stay out of the rough, and you can have some very difficult bunker shots that can make this golf course very difficult.

Q. Is it pretty receptive still out there? Some of the guys said it's surprisingly still pretty soft.
JONATHAN BYRD: Yeah, that's why the scores are as good as they are. You know, when these greens get really firm they get really small, especially with all the slopes. Being able to hit 5-irons and kind of stick them in there into the greens, it makes the course a lot easier.

Q. Can you talk about your working relationship with your brother and how that maybe benefits you and what it's like to just have family that close in that kind of relationship?
JONATHAN BYRD: Well, I mean, my caddie Adam and his wife Brandi had their baby about two weeks ago, so he's been able to take some time and enjoy that whole process, and I'm happy for him. But I'm always excited when my brother can come out and we get to hang out.
He's caddied -- this is his fourth time on TOUR with me, and I enjoy hanging out with him. I've caddied for him a couple times in the Mid-Am, and we've done decent and we've always done well together. He knows my game probably better than anyone else.

Q. What's that dynamic like between the two of you? Maybe if you're in between clubs on a shot, how much do you trust each other?
JONATHAN BYRD: Well, I think he's played the role this week that he's just kind of letting me go. My caddie Adam watches me more than anybody else, so he's seen me play enough this week to be able to give more input than my brother has. But I've been amazed how quick he's caught on. He helped me today more than he did yesterday and we made some good decisions together.

Q. Do you think less input can be better?
JONATHAN BYRD: Sometimes, sometimes, but I'm thankful our relationship is better than it was maybe in high school. We'd have been probably grabbing each other and wrestling out in the middle of the fairway if we were acting like we were in high school. We love hanging out together and we have a lot of respect for each other and we just go play and have fun.

Q. What's Adam's last name?

Q. Did he play with you at Clemson?
He played at Furman, I played at Clemson. He was two years older than me. Now he's the assistant golf coach at Clemson.

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