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May 26, 2011
Q. Quick overview of your round.
MARK FAULKNER: Well, started good, birdied the first two and we, let's see, I made a bogey somewhere. 4 maybe? I think I bogeyed 4.
I played good and I kind of struggled on the back. I made a good putt on 15. Especially after bogey 12. I lost my legs a little bit, kind of a long day there. And I got wore out. But I'm not used to practicing that much, hitting a bucket of balls before the round, a bucket of balls in the middle of the round. I don't want to hit any more balls.
And I shanked one on 17, made bogey. And I was 1-under most of the day and hit it in the water on 15, made a good bogey. And then I shanked it on 17 and made bogey. And I shot 1-over.
Q. Overall pretty happy with that?
MARK FAULKNER: Oh, very much, yeah.
Q. How do you think that the long layoff affected play, did it at all or anything?
MARK FAULKNER: I don't know. I haven't seen, it looks like everybody's scoring pretty good since the layoff, so it didn't seem to bother a lot of them. It kind of bothered me a little bit and then I lost a little rhythm and I didn't swing as good afterwards, so Trevor and Sonny and a lot of the guys are playing really well, that layoff didn't bother anybody else.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports