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March 4, 2011

Dawn Staley

Ieasia Walker


Georgia – 66
South Carolina - 34

THE MODERATOR: We're joined by South Carolina. We'll take an opening statement from Coach Staley.
COACH STALEY: I thought our kids played extremely hard. But obviously it wasn't our night tonight. I thought Georgia had a lot to do with it. They really disrupted us from a defensive standpoint. We really didn't have an answer for them.
Again, I thought our kids tried their very best and gave their very best effort. We just came up short today.
THE MODERATOR: We'll take questions for Ieasia Walker.

Q. Why where y'all struggling so much on the offensive end tonight?
IEASIA WALKER: I think their zone forced us to take more outside shots than getting to the basket, which is what we were used to doing. When we got to the basket, we weren't finishing with contact. It was hard to get buckets. When we did get fouls, we weren't making our free throws. That was a struggle for us.

Q. Obviously Georgia has a big size advantage over South Carolina. How much of a factor do you think that was tonight?
IEASIA WALKER: They were able to pound it inside a lot, got a lot of layups, high-low looks. That was a big disadvantage for us. They scored off their offensive rebounds. I think they beat us on the rebound side. That really helped them out a lot.
THE MODERATOR: We'll turn it over to questions for Coach Staley.

Q. Coach, seeing that you improved your basketball program over the past three years, what do you think you need to improve on in the future?
COACH STALEY: I think for us, we just have to get more talented. I think for what we've done with the program, we've gotten better through just working hard, just changing the culture, getting our kids to buy into working hard every single night out.
For the most part the games we won, we pretty much out-worked people. The games we lost, we pretty much got out-talented. We got to add some more talent to our roster. Hopefully when we're given our opportunities like we did tonight, they'll be more favorable to us.

Q. Do you think your team made a good case for the NCAAs this season?
COACH STALEY: You know, now that we played all of our regular season and our tournament games, looking at it, I think our body of work, for what we've done, I think what the committee looks for, as far as playing a tough non-conference schedule, who we had to play in our conference, the teams that we had to play twice: Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, Auburn - all of those teams put us in a position where there's some argument. We did win a game in the tournament as well.
So I would say we put up a good argument. If you look at our entire body of work, I think we should be able to grab one of those at-large bids.
THE MODERATOR: Thank you very much.
COACH STALEY: Thank you.

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