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February 24, 2011
COLIN MURRAY: Jason, thanks for joining us, 4 and 2 victory over Paul Casey. Talk a little bit about how you played this morning, how the match went, and we'll open it up to questions.
JASON DAY: Yeah, I just played really, really solid today. Tee-to-green was very, very nice. Just kept on -- I put my ball in the right positions out there. And I think if I kept on doing that, I could have taken him down. And it was good. I played really solid. I was very happy with how I hit it. Paul didn't play bad. I played really, really good out there. And I'm just really happy to get to the third round.
COLIN MURRAY: It's your first appearance here. Any thoughts on the match play format? Obviously 2 and 0 must be agreeing with you.
JASON DAY: Yeah, as an amateur and as a junior, I played a lot of match play growing up. So it's not like I'm new to it. Obviously it's a little different playing as a professional. The competition is very, very tough. Just being out there reminds me of all the old days when I was back playing as an amateur and as a junior.
There's a few little mind games out there, but you just have to stay strong.
Q. Speaking of those mind games, you played them again today, you were out front and seemed mentally tough the whole round?
JASON DAY: Yeah, Paul walks pretty quick, so it was pretty tough to stay in front of him. But I got off to just a good solid start today. I just wanted to focus on what I needed to do out there and how to get my ball from A to B. And I thought I did that pretty well today which was pretty nice.
Overall the game was really nice out there. I putted, chipped, and I hit the ball good. Just very happy to come away getting into the third round now.
Q. 7 and 8 is probably the key?
JASON DAY: Yeah, you know, obviously he missed a couple of short putts out there today. If he would have holed maybe on 8, kept that momentum going for him. Obviously going back -- going on to 13, I think -- well, the par-5, the last par-5, he missed that short one. And I think if he would have holed that one, that would have changed his mindset and his momentum.
Q. Is that part of the mind game where you didn't give him the comeback par-putt?
JASON DAY: He looked really angry at me, too. It was only about a foot and a half. So he missed a -- obviously I three-putted that hole. He had a four foot, four or five foot putt and he missed it low side. And it's not that I -- he was going to miss. I knew he was going to hole it. But it's not about that hole, it's about the future holes coming on. So if I can make him a little angry, if I can, you know, get him out of his game plan and force him to make silly decisions out there, you know, that's obviously part of the mind games that you play.
Obviously match play is a different format to stroke play. At the end of the day, you're all mates and stuff. But when you're playing against the guy across from you, you want to try to beat him as quick as possible.
Q. You stiffed him on 16?
JASON DAY: Yeah, well, after he missed the green on 16, it kind of opened up the whole green. So I just wanted to -- I actually got a little -- I pulled it and, you know, got a little lucky there and it went to about six feet. I wanted to play just to about 15, 20 feet right of the hole, and had about six feet.
Q. (Inaudible.)
JASON DAY: I haven't been there the first two matches. I remember what the holes are like. I'm going to try to stay away from 17 and 18. That would be the plan.
COLIN MURRAY: Thanks, Jason, good luck tomorrow.
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