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February 20, 2011

Jacques Martin


Q. Coach, could you just evaluate what you saw from your team? You had a real strong push in the second period, but just when you couldn't get that first one, it didn't seem to continue?
COACH MARTIN: Well, the difference in the hockey game was a special thing. Obviously the Flames got two power play goals, they got a shorthanded goal. And really the shorthanded goal was probably the turning point, because I felt that we had good momentum. We were creating some good pressure, creating some good scoring chances. And after that it kind of turned around.

Q. Just wanted to ask about the ice and what you thought, if there was problems. We noticed that they were working on a couple of spots in particular by your bench.
COACH MARTIN: Yeah, I think through the game, probably, it's difficult to maintain. But you gotta give credit to the staff. I thought they did a good job.
When you play these games, you know the ice conditions aren't going to be good. And you have to basically keep the game tempo.
I think the National Hockey League did a tremendous job as far as organizing the event. The people of Calgary as the hosts were outstanding. The volunteers, I think everything was really well organized and very professional. It's just unfortunate for us the results of the game.

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