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January 16, 2011

Matt Bettencourt


Q. Well played, Matt.
MATT BETTENCOURT: Thank you very much. You know, I'm excited. I gave myself a lot of opportunities. I just had a great two weeks over here in Hawai'i and I hope to be back next year for two weeks. I would have liked to have made some more putts coming in, but that's golf. Putts will fall. There's plenty of tournaments left.

Q. How tough was it out there today going 36 early in the year?
MATT BETTENCOURT: You know, actually I got stronger as the round went on. Last week was just such great conditions at the Plantation Course. Now, if we had to go 36 there it probably would have been impossible. But I felt pretty strong. I was mentally ready for it today.

Q. What went well out there for you this week?
MATT BETTENCOURT: You know, actually I putted well until the end. My short game was really solid. I need to improve a little bit off the tee and my iron play needs some improvement, but other than that I've got a lot to look forward to.

Q. Talk a little bit about donating your money to the longest drive.
MATT BETTENCOURT: You know, they had a long drive competition for Sony on Monday, and the winner got $5,000, so I know what it's like to play junior golf, so I figured keep it in house here locally. Anyway you can help out junior golf is great, so I figured the Junior Golf Association would enjoy it.

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