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October 4, 2010

Sergio Garcia


Q. What will Severiano Ballesteros be thinking right now?
SERGIO GARCIA: I hope he's proud of us. It meant so much for him to call us earlier in the week. So this victory is definitely for everybody in Europe, for the game of golf, and it's definitely for him. We are so proud of him.

Q. Try to describe the atmosphere on the balcony.
SERGIO GARCIA: It was amazing. All of The Ryder Cups, even win or losing, they are unbelievable. But obviously when you win, the atmosphere the other day, celebrating with all of the crowds and everything, give them all the credit in the world. They have been awesome. To be here on Monday, as many people as they came out to help us win this Ryder Cup, without them, we would not be able to do it.

Q. You lost the first two series. What turned it?
SERGIO GARCIA: We knew we had a good team. We knew we had a very strong team. But the Americans were very good, too. It seemed like we were are kind of getting our nose in front of them and every time, they will come back in two or three games, and they will just get in front of us. It was very, very tight throughout the whole week, and what a great way to win this.

Q. I asked you the other day whether this would give you your MoJo back for golf, you've been a bit disenchanted with it, how do you feel now?
SERGIO GARCIA: The MoJo was there before. It had not been there, I would not be here. I'm thrilled. Ryder Cup is what I've always dreamed about playing and I love playing, so I'm very excited and I'm looking forward to coming back and hopefully do something very, very good in Castellon.

Q. How good of a captain was Monty?
SERGIO GARCIA: Very inspiring, very motivating. He got everyone involved. He made sure that no one felt left out. So it was really, really good.

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