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September 12, 2010

Kevin Na


Q. A wild ride, especially on the back nine. Great putt at 14. That may have been the turning point.
KEVIN NA: Definitely. I think the putt on 14 kind of got me under par, and I was a little relaxed, and I said, one more, and I'm on my way. That's all I was trying to do was make another birdie. On 16 I hit a great shot in there, and I just knew I had to make this putt, and I made it, and that was the greatest feeling. I felt like I had a one-shot cushion coming in to get to the TOUR Championship.

Q. When you got to 18, hit it in the fairway, very hard flag to get a hold of. Were you trying to get it a little closer with that ridge?
KEVIN NA: Well, I'm also trying to win a golf tournament and I was trying to finish in the top 30. I was in between 6- and 5-iron, and Kenny was telling me 6-iron, 6-iron, 6-iron. I said, Kenny, if I hit the 6-iron and don't catch it perfect, obviously I'm going to try to go for the flag. If it turns over, hits the bank, goes in the water, trust me, I'm going to kill you. So I said you know what, I have to go with what I want to hit, which is a high cut 5-iron and hold it up against the wind. If it takes that ridge, great; if not, I two-putt, I'm in the TOUR Championship, great; goal accomplished within the tournament.
That's what I did. I hit a cut 5-iron, cut it a little too much trying to cut some distance off, and then I hit a great putt, and it was nice to have inside a foot to take care of it.

Q. How much fun was this down the stretch today?
KEVIN NA: It was fun. The only thing I regret, I missed a lot of putts out there. I felt like I hit a lot of great putts that didn't go in, that burned the edges, and I blame that partly on the greens. But on 17, I got a little aggressive with the putter, I was going through the fringe, I thought it would slow up more. I mean, I hit a perfect putt, thought it was in, never broke and just lipped out. So it was unfortunate that I didn't have a chance to maybe make birdie down the last to win the golf tournament. But like I said, I'm going to the TOUR Championship.

Q. Was that a goal for you at the start of the season?
KEVIN NA: Oh, it was a huge goal. I made it last year, and the goal is obviously to win golf tournaments out here, but if you don't win, at least make it to the TOUR Championship. Again, I'm going to the Masters again next year, so that's another great feeling.

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