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August 21, 2010

Kevin Na


Q. How was it out there today?
KEVIN NA: The greens were perfect out there today. The greens are soft. In the afternoon they get beat up a little bit. I definitely had the advantage being the first group out.
I mean, I was driving it kind of poorly this week so this morning I put a new driver, a new Titleist in play and I changed positions, from A1 to D1 and I was hitting -- able to hit a lot more fairways and that was an advantage.

Q. You seem to be hitting it lower off the tee.
KEVIN NA: That's kind my shot. I actually went from a 7.5 to 8.5. Yesterday it was a bit too low. Some shots, I do hit them low own purpose. The ones that go low is on purpose. That's just kind of my shot.

Q. Did you ever allow yourself to think 59 at all during the round?
KEVIN NA: I felt like I was playing well enough to have a shot but I left -- I missed a few putts out there, some real makeable putts and the last one in the fairway I had to get it there, I ripped it right at it. I thought it was perfect and, you know, I'm shocked how far it went and then obviously that putt I can't leave it short. I hit it a little too far. I think a little softer would have had a chance.

Q. I give you credit because you went for the birdie on the 18th hole.
KEVIN NA: Definitely. Honestly, you know, I wanted the course record. That's what I was going for. I wasn't going to leave it short. If I run it by and 3-putt it's not a big deal.

Q. You're tied for the lead.
KEVIN NA: I won't be tied for the lead for long but it was nice to finally get a good round in. This year I've been making a -- 18 out of 21 cuts this year. It's really good.
It hasn't been like last year where I kept finishing Top-10 every other week. The only reason why I think was the putter. I finally putted pretty well today.

Q. Can you describe for our listeners what goes through a player's mind when everything is working?
KEVIN NA: All you do is shoot at the flag. When you get over a putt you try to make it. It's a nice feeling. You're not worried about anything else. You're not worried about the trouble. You're kind of in that zone. It's a nice feeling.

Q. Now what do you do the rest of the day? You've got a long, long day just to wait around.
KEVIN NA: I'll hit some balls I'll workout a little bit, putt.

Q. What does it feel like to own a part of the course record?
KEVIN NA: It feels great. I played real solid today, hit some great shots. Made some good putts and also missed some makeable putts. I went out with the attitude I'm going to go at every flag and get aggressive with the putter, and the greens were perfect. I was rolling it great. The putts I missed were a misread. Made a lot of putts on line. And I feel pretty good.

Q. Was it easier to be that first group going out?
KEVIN NA: Definitely. Yesterday I played late afternoon and it was slow, the greens were bumpy and today, this morning, the pace of play was great. Played in three and a half hours. The greens were perfect.
We had a great group. Drew played well. Hope to see him on Tour next year. We had a good time out there.

Q. In a round like this, how can this help your confidence?
KEVIN NA: You know, it's going to help a lot. I hit it well today. Yesterday I didn't hit it that great and hopefully I can keep this going and maybe throw another low round tomorrow and get in contention.

Q. Are you a streak key player?
KEVIN NA: Usually, no. I mean this year I've been playing well but not quite as good as last year. Last year I had nine Top 10s, I was right there every week.
The only difference I think is the putter. I made more putts last year than this year. I'm hitting just about as good. So, you know, it's the name of the game. You got to putt the ball.

Q. Yesterday, you bogeyed 10 and 14, maybe, and then got that birdie on 15. Did you realize at the time that was where the cut was going to be?
KEVIN NA: I was tired. I wasn't playing well, frustrated, and, you know, I was 2-over for the day. Man, I need another birdie to make the cut.
I also made eagle, hit to about an inch from a little chip and hit two good putts on the next two holes that didn't go in. 18, I drove it in the rough and wasn't looking good and had 50 yards to get up and down for a par. Hit a great chip to three and a half feet. It wasn't a gimme but I made that and I survived and here I am. I shot 9-under.

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