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August 20, 2010

Arjun Atwal


DOUG MILNE: Okay. Arjun Atwal, thanks for joining us after a successful second round, 3-under, 67. We hear that it takes four good rounds to get the job done. You're halfway home. You followed up with a great round today and you were talking out there just about feeling good like you're really -- you've got it going. If you could just share with us a few comments about the round and how you're feeling as you're heading into the weekend.
ARJUN ATWAL: Yeah. I feel pretty good about my swing. Obviously I didn't hit it as good as yesterday but they say that it's hard to back up a really low number with another one.
I missed a couple of fairways today where, you know, kind of hard to get it on the green from there. That's why I made a couple of bogies. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with the way I played today.
DOUG MILNE: Okay. We'll go ahead and open it up for a few questions.

Q. Are you a guy who likes tournaments where you just go really low, feel like you can do better, see who can make the most birdies or do you prefer other styles?
ARJUN ATWAL: I like both. I've won on the European Tour on really low scoring golf courses and also, you know, where it's been really tough. I think if you play tough golf courses week-in and week-out, it can get to you a little bit mentally and I think guys don't mind every once in a while where you can make a lot of birdies and have fun. I like both.

Q. Are you surprised how it was out there this morning?
ARJUN ATWAL: Not really. There's a little bit of a breeze out there and it wasn't like strong or anything but it was enough where it made you think and it was enough where could you miss these fairways off the tees if you didn't judge the wind properly.
If you start missing these fairways it's really hard to get it close to the hole. So the guy who drives it the best today, I mean even in the afternoon, will probably shoot a really low number.
DOUG MILNE: All right. We'll make this short and sweet. If you wouldn't mind just quickly running through your birdies and just giving us some clubs and yards, as best you recall.
ARJUN ATWAL: The 3rd hole, par 3 up the hill I hit a 8 iron to about 12 feet left of it and made it.
4, I hit a 7-iron, 3-wood, 7-iron just off the green, about 20-footer. That was a good putt.
8, I hit a sand wedge to four feet.
9, I hit a 3-wood, 8 iron -- yeah, 8 iron to about eight feet.
10, I made bogey. I don't want to talk about that (laughter). I hit it left in the rough and awful lie. Couldn't get it up and down from the front of the green.
14, actually hit a great tee shot in the middle of the fairway and I was in between clubs and I hit it over the green and made bogey.
15, par 5, I hit it 2 on the left edge of the green, got it up and down for birdie.
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Q. I don't know if you covered it, in your current status position now on Tour being essentially a non-member, correct, what is the primary goal this time of year for you? You Monday qualified to get in here and you get -- your starts are going to be limited the rest of the year. You're in a good position to perhaps break into the Top 125.
ARJUN ATWAL: Yeah. That's my goal is to secure my job for next year. My caddy and I were talking about it, after my medical ran out on the Tour, I'm still exempt in Europe because I won in '08. We could have gone and played in Europe. I didn't want to do that. My main goal is to play here.
So I've asked for sponsor's invites in the Fall Series but I'm not getting any. So I'm going to Monday qualify every week and see how it goes. That's my main goal is to play here.

Q. And winning. At some point when you're playing this weekend, the thought is crossing your mind, it has to, you're human.
ARJUN ATWAL: Definitely. There's no doubt. I'm going to definitely be thinking about winning. I'm not -- it's not like I don't watch the leaderboards and stuff. I love watching it and like to see where I am.
And I'll take it from there, you know. If I get into contention on Sunday on the back-9, I won't be scared. Hopefully my swing holds up and we'll see what happens.

Q. I wanted to ask you, we obviously don't know exactly what the weather will be but what score would you take and sit in the clubhouse on Sunday afternoon?
ARJUN ATWAL: I can't tell. It depends on where they finish today. I don't know. I don't know how the course is going to change, if it is, if the wind picks up or not but, you know, I think 20-under is pretty safe.
DOUG MILNE: Okay. Arjun, we appreciate your time and best of luck on the weekend.
ARJUN ATWAL: All right, guys. Thank you.

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