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August 13, 2010
Q. How do you evaluate this trip, your first time out here?
TROY PARE: It's been great. It feels good to be inside the ropes and seeing all of the players that we typically see on TV. It's very exciting to see all of these guys out here.
I made a couple of doubles out there which kind of hurt me a little bit and made some poor drives out there and got some bad lies. But outside of that I played pretty good.
Q. Whistling Straits everything you expected it to be?
TROY PARE: Yeah, it's a good course for me, a good course setup. If there's a course that I think that I can make the cut at and play well on the weekend, I think it's here.
Q. It's a different type of feel, obviously, than what Pete Dye is showing everybody at French Lick Resort but still has Pete Dye touches in it; is that right?
TROY PARE: As long as you see the bunkers, it has Pete Dye touches.
Q. How is the rest of your game?
TROY PARE: I started out a little shaky with some iron shots early in the round, but started to settle down after I hit No. 5.
I didn't make any mistakes until the 18th hole. I made all pars and three birdies coming in, and then made a double on 18. Just caught a bad lie and was a little silly with my second shot and paying the price.
Q. It's a hole that really demands everything, that last hole.
TROY PARE: You have to get it in the fairway there. It's just too long. I hit a shot that wasn't that solid, a little off-line, and I still had 240 to the front, and you're looking at 250-some-odd to the pin; a beast of a finishing hole.
Q. How was your preparation coming in this week?
TROY PARE: More practicing than I typically do, just trying to get ready a little bit. It's been good, though, because I don't work on my game that much when I'm home and we don't have a huge driving range where I'm at. I just don't really spend that much time practicing. I'd rather go out and play when I have the opportunity.
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