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July 29, 2010
Q. (No microphone.)
LOREN ROBERTS: Good, played good. Really the only bad shot I hit was I hit a 4-iron in the right bunker at 9 and made a good up and down.
Q. (No microphone.)
LOREN ROBERTS: You were there, you walked all day.
Q. How long was that putt at 16?
LOREN ROBERTS: Probably 20 feet up the hill, 20, 25 feet, something like that.
Q. (No microphone.)
LOREN ROBERTS: Yeah, yeah, hit a lot of good shots, you know, hit a good shot at 17.
Those greens are so firm, hit a long iron and the ball still releases 25, 30, 40 feet, but I had a couple of good saves, and a good bogey shot to finish.
Q. Do you have to club-down a little bit?
LOREN ROBERTS: Well, yeah, I don't know what everybody else is doing. I know I'm lookin' at the front edge of the green, just trying to get something to the front edge; I don't care where the pin s really. You know, because unless they put the pin in the dead middle of the greens -- they're tucked pins, because they've got all the corners and everything with the little humps. So I'm lookin' if I can fly it to the front edge of the green and get it 20 feet on to the green, then you can putt over to the hole.
Q. You won a tournament 10 miles from here last August.
LOREN ROBERTS: That was a year ago. A lot happens in a year! (Laughter.)
Q. (No microphone.)
LOREN ROBERTS: I feel pretty good. I feel good. You know, it's -- you know how I feel about the U.S. Open. I didn't get it done on the Regular TOUR so I would like to get it done out here, and this is a tournament that I really get up for. I've got two silver medals; I would like to get a gold one.
Q. What do you have to do looking ahead? What's the number one thing in your mind?
LOREN ROBERTS: Keep playing the way I played. I liked the way I hit the ball today. I played smart, hit the ball good. Really was only in danger probably three times, so if I keep doin' that, you know, I'm not even going to look at anything until Sunday, see what happens.
Q. Does it make it more fun for someone like Tom Kite -- if someone like Tom Kite eagles that hole?
LOREN ROBERTS: Yeah, you're playing with Hall of Famers, and I like the tempo they play at. The big thing about who you get paired with is the tempo they play with and if it fits you it's always good for you.
Q. (No microphone.)
LOREN ROBERTS: Well, you know, golf is a rhythm game, you know, and you never know -- hey, you've got to stand up there and hit a good shot. I didn't make a good swing and I know what I did, at the top of my back swing I knew where I was going, so...
Q. How close did you come to calling it off?
LOREN ROBERTS: Can't do that. Thank you.
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