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July 25, 2010

Dean Wilson


NELSON SILVERIO: Dean Wilson, thanks for joining us in the interview room. If you would please give us some thoughts on your day.
DEAN WILSON: (no audio) Was a little tougher, and Carl did that. He made some great birdies on some very tough holes, and he won the championship on the back nine. He played great.

Q. (Indiscernible question about severity of pin placements).
DEAN WILSON: Not severe. Just you know, I think when I'm leading the tournament in my mind -- you have to make up your mind to be real aggressive or to play just a tiny bit safe. It's hard to just go after 'em. And Carl did that towards the end; he just kept shooting at the pins because he had no choice, and he performed really well.
It just makes it a little different. I don't know how the scores were today, how many really low rounds there were, but I'm willing to guess a little different yesterday. But that's just the way it goes.

Q. Would you say the teeth of the course came out today with the wind? How severe was the wind and how much --
DEAN WILSON: I think -- the wind wasn't that bad. It was a nice breeze, and it was swirling a little bit so you had to be aware of what was going on.
I think my caddy and I did a good job on feeling where the wind was coming from and making our decisions. And you know, I can't think of anything we got wrong. I just didn't execute on my shots, and that was a little disappointing.

Q. Is there any particular shot or hole where you felt the momentum swing? I mean obviously 14 he rolled in a long putt and you made bogey.
DEAN WILSON: Yeah, probably right there. That was my bad swing of the day right there. I had a good yardage, good mindset of what I was going to do, and I just didn't execute. I caught that ball a little thin and it rolled over the green, and I paid the price. You get it in that rough and it's just really tough to judge chipping, what it's going to do out of there.
And Carl hit a good shot in there and rolled in a 25, 30-footer. So yeah, it was a big swing there.

Q. Dean, you worked obviously very hard on your golf course. Did you feel pretty much in control of it today and also your emotions?
DEAN WILSON: Yeah, I felt really good about my emotions. I felt good about my mindset and what I was doing. I'm happy with the way I performed.
I know how I am when I'm very nervous, and I perform poorly; and I don't view it that way today. I didn't get it done, but I felt positive what I was doing.
Maybe if I had more tournaments that I played and had a little more confidence with what I was doing, maybe that might have helped, but you know, I felt good. I felt fine.
And Carl just played great. I had a four-shot lead going into the back and just couldn't get anything done, couldn't get any birdies, and Carl shot 4-under I think.

Q. Did you get any encouragement from Mike this morning? I think he texted you yesterday morning.
DEAN WILSON: Yeah. He's always cheering for me. I got a text from him. He told me to go get 'em. Real disappointed I didn't do it.
I'm not as disappointed as I was when he didn't win it in 2004, though. There was a tear in my eye. I was really cheering for him. I was out there. So I'm happy to have a shot, be close and be in the mix. That was great. It was fun.

Q. Are you able to appreciate the moment? You talked about yesterday doing that. Is that -- now that it's --
DEAN WILSON: It's tough, you know. Like I said, if you told me at the beginning of the week I could have second by myself, I would have taken it skipping.
And I'm happy with moving up on the Money List, moving up on the FedExCup point list, but my options are pretty slim. I'm not going to get in very many tournaments from here on out. I'll get in next week, and we'll see, maybe I can get another sponsor invite here and there, but I'm going to have to make a few more bucks to get into the Top 125. Hopefully I'm up high enough, maybe I can get in some FedExCup events, the first one maybe. I don't know where it puts me, but I need to move up a little bit to assure my card so I don't have to go to TOUR school next year.

Q. Were you looking at the board at all? It just seemed like all day long whoever got to second place immediately dropped for a while.

Q. Were you following that?
DEAN WILSON: No. I knew it was between Carl and I, and that was it. I mean I knew that he was the challenge there. I knew Tim moved up a little bit after the par-3 on the back, 14 or 13. But at the same time Carl was right there, and he birdied that hole. So I knew where I stood. I knew what I had to do and just didn't execute.

Q. Dean, what thoughts do you take away after this weekend about the golf course itself compared to what you thought coming in?
DEAN WILSON: Nothing but positives. You know, the course is fantastic. It's a beautiful course. I know they might not be happy with Carl winning at 14-under par, but you know, we got some weather. The greens were soft, so we could shoot right at the pins.
And I really -- this course is fantastic. I think it's a positive. I hope it stays in the rotation. I haven't heard one person complain, nothing but positives about this course and this tournament.

Q. Coming into the week what score did you think would be the winning score?
DEAN WILSON: I don't know. I never really do that. I just kind of go out and play. It's hard because, like I said, you know, if you get your mind set on a score and the weather switches around, it changes everything. So I had a real good mindset this week and just one shot at a time, and it worked out for me.

Q. They showed some statistics last night on Golf Channel about your conversion rate, from I think it was 125 yards and in with Stack & Tilt. This is a phenomenal number. Is that where your game has progressed in your eyes the most over these last couple years?
DEAN WILSON: I think every aspect, with Mike and Andy and the Stack & Tilt, every aspect has improved. I can't say enough about them and how much knowledge they have of the swing, what makes the ball curve, what makes it do what it does. And you know, they have that. They have all the knowledge there. Now it's just a matter if I can execute.
And I can't say enough about them. They've helped me and changed my -- they've changed my life starting when I first started working with them in 2004.
In 2004 when I was playing bad, I mean I was really playing bad. I had no confidence in what I was doing, couldn't even find the golf course. And you know, they came in and changed my life by helping me with my swing and spending all that time with me.

Q. (No microphone).
DEAN WILSON: I was hoping. You know, Top 10 will get me in, and so yeah, so I'll get in and hopefully I can go and play well there.

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