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July 10, 2010

Kenny Perry


Q. That had to be one of your better ball striking and putting rounds of the year.
KENNY PERRY: Best putting round. Changed putters, played beautifully the first two rounds. I just putted horrible, and I've kind of putted horrible all year.
So I got the Russian Roulette going with the putters, and for whatever reason, that putter had the right speed on it. Seemed like whenever I hit it, I had the right speed on every putt today, so it looked like all my putts were going in.

Q. I guess you're going to keep that putter for a while?
KENNY PERRY: Well for tomorrow, for sure, on these greens. It was a brand new putter. You know, my putter broke at the beginning of the year, and I haven't been able to replace it.
You know, it was a Ping Crazy; I loved it. Had all my successes over the past three years. Just I cannot -- I can't replace it. I've had it reshafted three times.
The shaft rusted from the inside out and broke around the ball bearing inside the Ping putter. Wasn't anything I did. Five minutes before my tee time at Kapalua, right when I hit it, the head snapped off, the putter head's off, the shaft onto the putting green, and I had to run into the locker room and get a backup putter; and I told my son, I said, it's going to be a tough year.
You know, the year hadn't even started this year and your favorite -- you know, your best weapon is gone. So it's been a pretty big learning curve for me from the V-grooves to changing all my equipment to trying to find a putter that works.
So you know, we're working at it. I've only missed one cut this year. I've made 14 out of 15 cuts, but I cannot seem to get up -- I can't get competitive. I'm always finishing 20th to 60th each week. So this is a step in the right direction, especially getting ready to head to the British.
So hopefully -- you know, I hit it great for three rounds. If I can continue with ball striking and the putter shows back up, I look forward to some good things.

Q. What about course conditions, because the greens are definitely drying out? On 18 your ball scooted by about five feet. A little quicker today, isn't it?
KENNY PERRY: Well, not much. They're taking huge ball marks, I mean just gigantic craters when the ball hits the green. So they're not rolling out very much. We had some down wind that was kind of pushing the ball here on 18, which gave it a little extra.
But I mean they would hold anything you threw in there. There are going to be low scores. You know, my score may be the lowest one today. The leaders are going to play great. So it's definitely a birdie fest out here right now.

Q. Great to see you play well.
KENNY PERRY: Thank you.

Q. Does there come a time where you just have to accept that maybe you can't get that one back, just move on?
KENNY PERRY: Yeah. I put it in the closet. It's done. So I've used Bobby Grace today. I've used Odysseys; they had an old Rossie 1 I used a couple weeks ago, had a lot of success with out here on the TOUR. So I just gotta find something I'm comfortable with. That's what it boils down to.

Q. And where did you pick up the Grace?
KENNY PERRY: He made it for me. He kind of copied the Ping a little bit. Kind of looks very similar to that. Bobby made it, sent me three putters to the house.
I've had everybody sending me putters. You know, it's incredible how many people have sent me putters. I've got a houseful right now.

Q. Good playing.

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