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July 4, 2010

Miguel Angel Jimenez


RODDY WILLIAMS: Miguel, I know you have a flight to catch, but Miguel, that was a dramatic afternoon ask congratulations, the Alstom Open de France Champion 2010. Tell us, how does that feel?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: It feels great. Another victory, the second victory of the year and being in the playoff again. And, well, at 46, I think I'm the oldest winner on the Tour now.
No, I feel great. I've been hitting the ball well and playing well and I keep fighting with all of the young people here, and, well, I'm very proud to be part of history.
RODDY WILLIAMS: This puts you now right in the frame for The Ryder Cup. What would that mean for you?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: It would mean a lot, because probably this year is probably the last chance to be part of the team by playing, so this means a lot.
I will try to be on the team. It's getting closer now. But, you know, it's going to be very, very important to be in good condition, playing well, healthy, and to be part of that team, you know I just hope that I can be on the team.

Q. What was the difference --
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: I've been playing very well all the day, today and all the week playing very well. The first two rounds, my putting wasn't working as good as it was working today. And yesterday, also, I played very well very good from tee-to-green especially yesterday, and today very well, too, and I made some putts on the holes, and that's what you need to make to shot low scores and that's what happened.
RODDY WILLIAMS: What happened on 18 in the regulation?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: The 72nd hole, last hole of the tournament, I hit a beautiful drive there, my 8-iron, 141 metres to the front and 146 metres to the hole. I feel a little pressure there, and the only thing I need to do is hit a good shot there. But we are human, I made the shot -- I hit the shot behind and I feel like I lose my rhythm. I feel like the pressure is getting to me and I say, have a good swing but obviously why I make a about swing there. I hit the ball a little bit behind and hit into the water and that's what happened there. That's probably the very bad shot I hit all day.
In the playoff hole, I hit again my driver middle of the fairway, exactly the same distance, 140 metres, 147 metres but then decided to go in the water twice and I saw Molinari. Had to lay up from the bunker with a 7-iron now, because there's a little bit less wind. The ball is below my feet. I'm thinking, go through the ball, have a good contact and with my hands. And after, I hit a good chip, it's not easy there because the ball is very close to the semi-rough there, I had to pitch the ball from the semi rough to the green and then I missed the putt.
After that, Molinari holes his six-metre putt for a bogey and I have to hole that one.

Q. How do you account for your success at 46?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: Feels good. Always good wine. Not too much, always good. I didn't say too much, you know. Well, I keep fit, I keep enjoying myself as much as possible. I enjoy playing golf and I enjoy myself on the golf course, and that's it.

Q. On the green, what happened --
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: The first two rounds, I struggled on the putting and yesterday was much better and today is very good, too. That's really what you need. From tee-to-green, I played very well. You see the shots that are quite close to the holes and then I holed a couple of putts and that's what you need to make a score.

Q. Inaudible.
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: No, well, you have -- this is my 22nd year on Tour, and sometimes you try to push and get the ball in the hole. But no, the main thing is when you are on the greens, is focus, and whatever you see there, hit to there, and free your mind. Sometimes it's very difficult. We are not machines, and sometimes you start trying to put the ball in the hole and you start pushing too hard and go on the other side. The most important thing is to have a good swing, keep in the moment and see what happens.

Q. Inaudible.
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: Well, I said to make birdie -- 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16, I make three in a row and I say, okay, now you are in contention, and I felt like there was going to be a playoff. I say on the 17th, you know, it happens, again, like I always say -- everything is good.

Q. Your thoughts now on this course for The Ryder Cup?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: It's very good golf course and the people like it and the Tour likes the golf course, and you see the 18th, this is the golf course. But I hope it's coming to Madrid. (Laughing) Sorry.

Q. This is the oldest intercontinental Open; what does it mean to win?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: It means a lot to putt my name with such great players through the history, and especially with Seve there and Ollie, it's nice to win, yes. Wow! This is heavier than the other one (referencing Dubai Desert Classic trophy).

Q. Very dramatic afternoon?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: Yeah, well, it's great to be back and have to have another victory this year and in the French Open at Le Golf National. A little dramatic like you say, two shots to get in the playoff on the 18th hole.

Q. What happened at the 72nd hole; you were playing so beautifully?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: Well, you know, we are human, and I feel a little pressure there and I feel tense and maybe I swing not like I'm doing all day long, and I feel like I lose a little bit of the rhythm and fell behind and went in the water and that's what happened there. Well, it took a little longer.

Q. How much pressure did you feel in the playoff facing a similar shot?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: It was exactly the same distance. And now it looks like it's the not the same distance with the wind, and then I take the 7-iron out. And the ball was sitting a little bit below my feet. I hit the ball there, I feel fine, I didn't feel pressure there, but I pulled it a little bit left and just past the water there. Stayed patient there, but I pulled that a little bit left, and just water there, nice chip there. Hit against the semi-rough and then I holed the putt.

Q. How important was experience today in that you've gone through what you did at the 18th, and had to regroup to win the playoff?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: Experience is always important. These two guys are playing very well. All three guys finish at 11-under par, and Alejandro is playing very well and putting very good. But, you know, the experience, also, is one of the keys. On 18, I hit my ball in the middle of the fairway and both of them missed fairway. One of most important things is keep breathing and tell yourself to relax, breathe.

Q. This victory puts you right back in the thick of Ryder Cup qualification and you're certain to make that team if you keep playing well; how excited are you about that?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: Very excited the at the beginning of the week, I was asked the same question and I said I would like to concentrate week-to-week, and let my game prove. It will be nice to be on The Ryder Cup. At 46, probably this is my last chance to be on the team playing. But I would be very proud to be on Monty's team.

Q. How will you celebrate winning this fabulous trophy?
MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ: Well, I have a flight to catch to Malaga. I have to go to Malaga and see my family and friends there, and have a couple of beers.

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