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June 10, 2010

Rafael Nadal


Q. On behalf of everybody who watched that match, thank you for the most fantastic entertainment. It was probably closer than you wanted.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, you know how difficult it's been, coming to play. He's a good player. I think his game adapts very well to this surface. He plays flat and has a good serve.
Yeah, wasn't easy for me. The day was difficult, too, a lot of wind. When you have the wind, play like this, the court, the ball stays lower. For me, a little bit better, the sunshine, the court is true. I played a lot of matches here with good sunshine.

Q. We saw you have an injury timeout. What was that?
RAFAEL NADAL: I felt something here, behind the leg. Just, I wanted to check with the physio if it's something dangerous or not. I gonna check if I can finish the match playing.

Q. How do you feel at the moment?
RAFAEL NADAL: I am feeling very good.

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