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June 2, 2010

Ron Artest


Q. This series, are you relishing this for your teammates or for yourself to be put in this position to contribute?
RON ARTEST: More importantly just play the game. That's the most important.

Q. What's the best way for you to find a way to stop Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen? What's the best way for you to stop them?
RON ARTEST: I'm going to figure it out Game 1. We'll see. I don't have the answer right now.

Q. (Inaudible).
RON ARTEST: That's in the past. I totally forgot about that. Whole new day, whole new story.

Q. Does the rivalry mean anything for you?
RON ARTEST: Not necessarily. This is my first year as a Laker, so I haven't had anything to do with that rivalry. But I guess after tomorrow after I play, I guess I'll be part of it. But I don't really know much about it. I know about Bird and Magic, but other than that, I was always a Chicago Bulls guy.

Q. Have any of the other guys on this team talked about when they lost to the Celtics? I know you don't need any added motivation, but have they talked about what they went through losing to them?
RON ARTEST: No, no talks like that, talking about pay back this, pay back that. Most of the guys coming here are just coming here to work hard. Obviously we had a long layoff, so there was a lot of time to think about what happened in '08.
In Oklahoma it was tough, so we had more to worry about Oklahoma, and Utah was tough, too, and then Phoenix was pretty tough. So we were more worried about those games. We had to worry about that first, then we could move on.
Boston was waiting for us. They were the first team to make it to the championship, so they were waiting. There's really nothing else to -- motivating about it. The motivation was already there.

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