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May 20, 2010

Jacques Martin


Q. Ryan O'Byrne seemed to have a real short leash tonight. He didn't seem to touch the ice after taking that delay of game penalty. Was that a punishment for him?
COACH MARTIN: No. Are you a parent (laughing)? Punishment, I thought in 2010, that word -- anyway. No.
No, it's not a punishment. He played on the power play at the end of the game. But sometimes it's difficult. He took the penalty, he played, and then you kind of get into just a mold, or a routine, or rhythm with your defense, and you just kind of went with six.
It's unfortunate, but I think having his presence there was good, and I'm sure that he'll get more ice time next game. You know, we've had that. At least he got some ice time. I remember one game with Darche, I didn't use him, so I think at least that was better. That's one step in the right direction.

Q. How much better was your goalie tonight?
COACH MARTIN: Well, he was better. He made some big saves early in the game, made some big saves. I think that they had three chances in the first five minutes of the hockey game. Made some big saves and that was big.
Then after that I think our team kind of took over and played a strong game at both ends of the ice. I thought we played a strong game on defense, And I think that's when you focus on the strength. I think it helps.

Q. It seemed like the last few days all the talk has been more physical, competing on a physical level with this team. But it seemed as if you approached the game tonight and the victory was going to come with speed, and not necessarily physicality?
COACH MARTIN: Well, I think that you always have to analyze your team and look at what the strength of your hockey club is. And, you know, I think that when you look at big teams -- people said we're not big enough -- my recollection is I think Washington was probably a big team, probably a bigger team even than Philly.
I think there is a place, and you need to finish check when the opportunity's there, but at the same time you have to play within your strength. And I think speed and quickness is something that we have, and we have to use, and I thought we did a better job getting to the net tonight.
But, overall, I thought we were stronger, and it goes back to, you know, individual performance. But I think the key right now is that that's one game and we've got to turn the page, and we know that we're going to have to be better on Saturday.

Q. I think you just answered this in French. But I was wondering if you could talk about the depth contributions you got tonight especially Tom Pyatt.
COACH MARTIN: Yeah, the depth, I think it was important. The goals, I think we got two goals from that line, one on the power play, then one from one line, Cammalleri, another one from Gionta. So we got our goals distributed through our lineup tonight, and you need that to win.

Q. After Game 2, you and a couple of your players said that you were pleased with the effort. Was tonight like Game 2? Was it a build upon Game 2? How would you compare them?
COACH MARTIN: Well, I think, after Game 2, I was pleased with the effort. I thought we competed. Game 1 we didn't compete, and I think I said that. I thought Game 2 we competed, but we had areas that we needed to be better to improve, and I think we did tonight.
As you move along, like that doesn't change. We're going to have to be better on Saturday in certain areas again. I think tonight the penalty killing did a pretty good job. Our power play we got a goal late, but we still have some area that's we need to be better at that. And five-on-five, we'll dissect the film tomorrow and bring some corrections.

Q. Were you confident that once you got that first goal they would start coming in bunches for you like they did tonight?
COACH MARTIN: Well, I don't know if they would come in bunches. I think that to me what's important is the process. The goals are a result of actions, and I think sometimes if your focus is on the result, you miss the boat.
So I like the way we played. I like the way we executed. But as I said, I think we're going to need to be better on Saturday.

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