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April 16, 2010

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/J. Ferrero
6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Rafa.

Q. Are you satisfied with your performance, your form, everything?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, sure. To be in semifinals is a very good start of the clay season, sure. Sure, the result against probably one of the tougher opponents right now on clay is very good one, 6-4, 6-2. So I did well.
I think when the weather was reasonable well, I played well, I think, no? I had good control of the ball. When I attack with the forehand, I did well. I played the backhand with couple mistakes. So I played complete match.
And I served much better today. My serve was much better today than the rest of the three days. That's very important, too.

Q. There was never any moment when you think you played poorly?
RAFAEL NADAL: 3-2, with the weather conditions, probably I lost little bit the concentration there, so... That's the only thing of the match I am not very happy.

Q. How different is it going to be the match with Ferrer? What is the big difference between the two players? Since you have lost to Ferrer at the US Open and Masters Cup, clay for you is much different for you than probably for him?
RAFAEL NADAL: He is better player on clay I think, too. No, be really tough match. The style of Ferrero and Ferrer is different, is not the same. So Juan Carlos probably have little bit more control of the ball. He can change little bit more the relation.
Ferrer play with intensity, high intensity. When he's touching his forehand from the place of his backhand, is very difficult to stop him, no? So is important try to play inside and make him feel not comfortable when he's attacking the ball.

Q. Do you feel safer on clay as opposed to hard court with your knees?
RAFAEL NADAL: I am okay, no? I am happy how I'm feeling. You never know what's going on. But right now I must be really happy how I am doing. Thank you.

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