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March 29, 2010

Svetlana Kuznetsova


M. BARTOLI/S. Kuznetsova
6-3, 6-0

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Was there something wrong with the shoulder?

Q. What was the issue? Is that from the beginning or...
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: No, I mean, today the weather condition was very tough to play. I felt from the first point when I start to return that it was not my day, but still it was pretty hard.
She broke me, and then at 5-3 I started to serve and I felt like a pull. But I still kept serving. So then I had -- it was so painful I almost had stars in my eyes it was so painful.
I called physio and tried to continue to play. I think I should have pulled out earlier. I mean, it's impossible. You know, I cannot return. Then I cannot serve.
That was my choice to play.

Q. Was it a strain?
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: Just pulled. Muscle pull.

Q. Have you ever had any issues with that before?
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: Not this one. I pulled it a little bit after my first match, but I was treating it. It wasn't so bad as today; today was really bad.

Q. What kind of treatment are you gonna get?
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: No, now treatment is recover, not practicing. But I had to practice when I was in the tournament.

Q. How many times was she out and working on you?

Q. Three times?
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: I mean, I got better, but it was very painful.

Q. You played her last in 2006 in Bali. Was it something different...
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: I think she pull out in Bali. I think she pulled out and after warmup, if I don't...
It doesn't matter. I mean, today was just horrible day. I delete it from my head, and that's it. It wasn't a match I even played 10% of my tennis. It was horrible.
She was playing tough. With her these conditions, it's the worse conditions you can have to play her.

Q. Did you even think you were gonna get the match in today because of the rain?

Q. Did the trainer advise you to stop playing or say it was up to you?
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: Well, she saw that I could not play. She said, Well, if you want to stop, just wave a head so you cannot play. Because after she saw my face that it was unbelievable painful when she touched it.

Q. Will you go for an MRI or anything, see if there's a tear, or you just think it's a pulled muscle?
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: I have not thought about it.

Q. Where does it hurt? Front, back?
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: No, inside. Inside, like here. (Indicating armpit area.)

Q. What's your schedule?

Q. Was it also because of the pain difficult to run and move and do all those other things?
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: No. As I said, it was not my day. I'm not gonna blame it on my shoulder. Second set yes, but first set she broke me and I was playing pretty bad on my returns.
I mean, on the wind you have to move, and you have to do it extremely well, because it's very hard condition to play.

Q. Was it your last match you first noticed?
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: First match of the tournament.

Q. So your other match, it was...
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: It was all right, yeah.

Q. I assume you're not gonna play Fed Cup.
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: No, I never meant to play Fed Cup.

Q. I know she said that you could come out at any time or retire at any time. When you were down 3-0, 4-0 in the second set --
SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA: Yeah, I'm not gonna pull out at 4-0. You know, I know it's gonna look ugly. I know I looked ugly even like that, but still, you know...

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