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February 26, 2010

Song-Hee Kim


MIKE SCANLAN: Song-Hee, thanks for coming in. You're 5-under par, one shot off the lead in second place, just tell us how you played today.
SONG-HEE KIM: Overall, I didn't make many mistakes today, and putting-wise, also, good.
MIKE SCANLAN: Can you talk about being one shot off the lead entering the weekend, what's your mind-set?
SONG-HEE KIM: It's just the second round. So nobody can expect the result, and everybody competitor is very close right now.

Q. Inaudible.
SONG-HEE KIM: I remember for the last two year, I missed some opportunities to win and I think about it will be better for me to make -- makes me very greedy to win.

Q. Will you change your approach for tomorrow?
SONG-HEE KIM: As I mentioned before, it's just the second round, so I just prepare to not be very stressed or get some pressure to win.

Q. Are you a very calm person?
SONG-HEE KIM: I also have emotions, but that's just a face.

Q. You're not that --
SONG-HEE KIM: I'm not like Christina Kim. (Laughter)
MIKE SCANLAN: Thank you.

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