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February 21, 2010

Cameron Beckman


NELSON SILVERIO: We welcome our 2010 Mayakoba Golf Classic champion, Cameron Beckman. Cameron, first of all, congratulations.
Give us some thoughts. You kind of came from behind to grab the victory. Talk about your round.
CAMERON BECKMAN: You know, I started off well. I parred the first and birdied the next two, and kind of got going a little bit.
I was really uncomfortable off the tee today, and I chipped and putted really well. That's pretty much what got the tournament won for me today.

Q. (Through translation.) With the constant changing conditions, it was raining and then it would stop, how did that affect your game, if anything?
CAMERON BECKMAN: Not too today. All week long we had a little bit different wind. Actually I thought the final holes played easier today, so that made it better.
The first day it was really difficult coming in, and fortunately, those tougher holes coming in were easier. You know, we had the umbrella up a little bit, but it wasn't a factor.

Q. At what point during the round did you realize you were at or near the lead?
CAMERON BECKMAN: I asked in the middle of 16 fairway. My caddie told me we were tied for the lead, so I started getting really nervous. (Laughing.)
I didn't hit a very good shot into 16, but had a nice two-putt from the fringe. And then, I don't know, I hit a nice tee shot on 17 and a good 60-degree sand wedge in there and made that putt.
And I guess Joe, I don't know what happened, but somebody most have bogeyed the long Par-4. So I saw on the 18th tee I had a few-shot lead, and I was really nervous.

Q. (Through translation.) Is there less pressure knowing that you're a couple groups ahead of the leaders?
CAMERON BECKMAN: No. (Laughing.) There's something about -- you know I'm cruising along playing, and all of a sudden I know I'm tied for the lead. That makes you nervous. Now you know you got a chance to win and you really got to tighten up and concentrate.
You know, a lot of things go through your mind. Winning out here is tough. There's really no easy way do it. I've done it a couple different ways now, but it's a great feeling.

Q. (Through translation.) What was the key to your victory this week?
CAMERON BECKMAN: Without question putting. I mean, I hit the ball well also, but this is probably the best I've putted in a long time. Probably since the last time I won. I just put a new putter in play two weeks ago, and just absolutely putted beautifully on these greens.
My caddie and I read them really well, too. Just a beautiful week of putting.

Q. (Through translation.) After the birdie on 17, feeling pretty good, relaxed heading into 18?
CAMERON BECKMAN: No. I was really nervous. Like I said, I hadn't driven the ball all that good the whole all day. You can get in trouble on that tee. I still felt like the two guys behind playing me could birdie the last two holes also.
Looking back now I could have made bogey and still won , but fortunately I had a good tee shot and pitching wedge into the green, and kind of eked my putt up there and tapped it in.

Q. (Through translation.) Your past two wins, were they close like this? Did you have a bigger lead in them?
CAMERON BECKMAN: The first one I won by a shot on the last hole. The last one I won in a playoff. So this one was a little bit easier, but still difficult. Still hard.

Q. (Through translation.) Do you have any thoughts on Tiger Woods' statement?
CAMERON BECKMAN: No. No comment.

Q. With golf being in the Olympics in 2016, any thoughts on how that might affect the game? Is that a positive thing? Negative thing?
CAMERON BECKMAN: That will be great I think. Obviously it's going to be very hard to get on the team for the United States, but any time you can play for your country it's a great thing.
You know, if you have a chance to win a gold medal in golf, I think that's awesome.

Q. (Through translation.) Did the word "playoff" ever come across you mind?

Q. Yeah.
CAMERON BECKMAN: Well, you know, when I'm standing on 18 and I know I've got a two-shot lead I liked my chances a little bit. But, no. I was trying to birdie the last hole to get it over with.
I didn't know where I stood. There's not a lot of boards out there, and I really wasn't paying attention. I was too busy trying to figure out my own game.

Q. (Through translation.) Similar to earlier, but the conditions out there, did they affect your game at all today?
CAMERON BECKMAN: Not really. You mean the rain? You know, obviously it's been windy all week, so that wasn't a big deal. It just rained very little. It really didn't play a part at all.

Q. (Through translation.) Who do you want to dedicate this win to, if anybody?
CAMERON BECKMAN: My family. I have two kids and a wife. It's a big deal for us obviously when dad wins a tournament. They're only seven and four years old. They get to watch on TV, and it's a big deal.

Q. (Through translation.) One to ten, how would you classify the golf course you played this week?
CAMERON BECKMAN: Ten. It's one of my favorite golf courses on the tour. You know, being at the hotel, the atmosphere, the whole thing, how can you beat it? It's a great place to be.

Q. (Through translation.) How about the golfing public out there? How did they treat you?
CAMERON BECKMAN: Oh, great. Very nice. You could tell they enjoyed watching us, and hopefully they liked having us here. It's a pleasure for us to come down here and be in your country, and hopefully we'll get to do it for a long time.
NELSON SILVERIO: Congratulations.

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