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November 7, 2009

Rory McIlroy


Q. Thoughts after three days?
RORY McILROY: It's been okay. There's been a big improvement since Thursday. I played terribly on Thursday and hit it a little better yesterday and hit it quite nice today again but it's getting quite tricky out there. 3-under out there today wasn't too bad of a score.

Q. Do you look at the score and the place on that leaderboard or have more thoughts about position in The Race to Dubai?
RORY McILROY: No, I'm just going out and trying to play well, because that's all I can do at the end of the day. And I'm pleased that I'm playing a lot better than what I did on Thursday. That's a positive, and hopefully I can do well tomorrow and look forward to Hong Kong next week.

Q. The top five in the race, you are very well grouped.
RORY McILROY: We are. Lee, who is leading, shot a very good score today, so hopefully if I can shoot a decent one tomorrow and try and stay with, you know, it will be very tight, but Lee is obviously leading by a bit. That round today won't do him any harm. I just have to keep plugging away and try and shoot good scores.

Q. I take it it will be more than just plugging away next week in Hong Kong because you'll enjoy going back to there?
RORY McILROY: Yeah, I can't wait. It's a city I enjoy a lot. Not just last year but I played amateur golf for a couple of years. Really enjoy the city and the golf course and it's one of the weeks I really look forward to on Tour.

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