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October 29, 2009

Venus Williams


V. WILLIAMS/S. Kuznetsova
6-2, 6-7, 6-4

(From a recorded interview with the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour.)

Q. So you've won a tough match tonight to keep yourself alive. You still have a chance of defending your title.
VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, definitely. My first two matches were close. You know, one point here or there, I could have three matches instead of one.
I guess that's the beauty of round robin, just win as much as you can.

Q. And what do you think made the difference tonight? You seemed to get off to a good start and then...
VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, you know, the last couple matches I tried to learn from my mistakes. When I make a mistake, I try to learn from it, instead of be frustrated by it.
You know, it can get a little frustrating going into a match Love-2. But I definitely stayed positive.

Q. Looking ahead tomorrow, will you watch the match or...
VENUS WILLIAMS: I'm just going to stick to my regular schedule preparation and, you know, I'm sure they both want to win.

Q. They both still have a chance, as well.

Q. That's probably quite important.

Q. You still have your doubles to come at the end of the week.
VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, so I'm getting ready.

End of FastScripts

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