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October 22, 2009

Pat Perez


Q. How was playing today?
PAT PEREZ: Yeah, it was good. I hit it really good. I wasn't expecting to hit it that good. I really didn't putt all that well. I think I only missed two greens and I had a lot have 8-footers that didn't touch the hole.
A little bit frustrating, but surprising I hit it that good.

Q. You opened up the year with a win at the Bob Hope in the desert. That had to completely change your mind frame of how you approach the game out here as far as a time frame.
PAT PEREZ: A little bit. One win's really not gonna do anything, unless you win a major or something like that. You know, it's important, but it's not the end of the world.
I want to win more times. Still, I didn't get in the top 30. I had the injury anyway, but I didn't get in the top 30. I wanted to play on Freddy's team. So I kind of succeeded but I really didn't.
So, you know, I made as much as I did last year and I won this year, so I didn't really fulfill my...

Q. Well, such a great attitude. You certainly positioned yourself for a good tournament this week, perhaps your second PGA Tour win.
PAT PEREZ: Yeah, it would be nice. I've played this course a thousand times. I've been playing this course since '94 in college, so I know all the grass that's out there and I know how the greens go. That's all the more frustrating that I didn't make the putts today. But, you know, got three more days.

Q. I know you're a big sports fan. Any thoughts on the Phillies going back to the World Series?
PAT PEREZ: I was gonna wear my hat today, but, you know, I'm excited. I actually have -- me and Bo were gonna go back. He's going back. I was gonna go back with him, but I'm going to China so I'm gonna miss all the festivities. Unfortunate, but what are you gonna do?

Q. Every time the Phillies win the World Series you win a golf tournament.
PAT PEREZ: That's fine with me. Keep doing it.

Q. 4-under to start the day. Your thoughts on Thursday in Scottsdale.
PAT PEREZ: Like any other day. I mean, wasn't gonna rain, that's for sure. You know, I hit the ball really good. I wasn't expecting to hit it that good. I didn't putt all that well. I only missed two greens. I had a lot of putts inside 15feet, but I just didn't put a good stroke on 'em.
So I'm happy with where I'm at. I really couldn't have shot any worse than 4-under anyway. It was a nice start. I've been off for a month and haven't even touched a club. A bit of a surprising start, but nice in a sense of maybe I can get something going this weekend.

Q. You won earlier this year in the desert. What would perhaps winning at the end of the year in another desert mean?
PAT PEREZ: Here it would be really special. I went to school here. The guys are great and like family anyway. I would love to win here. I've been playing here since '94 when we were here in college.
It would just be nice. I live, you know, 200 yards from here, so it would be really nice. Got a lot of family and friends out there, so it would be awesome.

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