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October 15, 2009

Alastair Forsyth


ALASTAIR FORSYTH: Slow start, not doing anything great but once I got going, I was really solid after maybe sort of four or five holes. Played great all the way in.

Q. Was that as good as you've played for a while?
ALASTAIR FORSYTH: I think so. I've kind of -- really from that World Cup thing, I've started to play better. I had a really good last round there and I had a couple of good rounds at the Dunhill. Unfortunately fell a bit over the weekend. So it has been better. Certainly is much better today.
Ideally, it wasn't -- got there, and great last round. I definitely got a lift from that. David has been playing well all year, and I haven't. I definitely felt a bit like my old self.

Q. What is the improvement in the game?
ALASTAIR FORSYTH: I'm just hitting it better. I'm just getting the club in a better position on the top of the backswing and I can play from there. I know what I'm doing from there.

Q. Have you had much coaching?
ALASTAIR FORSYTH: I've just been chipping away on a few things with Pete Cowen. It's not drastic. Just trying to get the club in a better position really on the backswing. You get that right, and when you get that -- you have a chance. When it's out of position, then you've got to sort of alter things.

Q. Did you make that observation right away at the top of the backswing?
ALASTAIR FORSYTH: Generous take away on the backswing, and you get that right -- if you get that wrong, the trouble is you've got to make compensations of trying to get the club back to the ball. You can't play consistently doing that. So hopefully we are on the straight and narrow.

Q. Thoughts about being in Portugal.
ALASTAIR FORSYTH: I've never done well here, this course. But I have done well in Portuguese Open a lot of times, Madeira, actually.

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