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September 24, 2009

Oliver Wilson


Q. Playing well here is not going to harm with Colin watching.
OLIVER WILSON: Hopefully I don't have to rely on a pick but it certainly doesn't hurt you.

Q. And very briefly the secret to today's win was what, did you feel?
OLIVER WILSON: We shot a low score. I had a good start and Simon played great in the middle and I finished well. So it just worked out really well, and in fourball -- if we had birdied the same holes and parred the others, it would have been a much tighter match but fortunately it worked out well. If you keep doing that all week, you will be in good shape.

Q. Did you keep in mind with Simon being ill, more pressure on you to start off quickly?
OLIVER WILSON: Not really. It doesn't make too much difference. It probably even helps you a little bit. You kind of feel like you're the underdogs a little bit. Søren and Pete are probably the two toughest guys to play on that team, they are so steady, very good ball-strikers and hit it straight and are going to hit a lot of greens and have a lot of putts to make birdies and that's the team you don't want to play against.
We went out and just tried to hit shots, tried to get on the fairways and tried to do the same things we normally do and if we can have quite a few attempts at birdies, which we did a lot, one of us usually holed one and that was the key.
That was the key. Sounds so simple when you say it like that. No, really didn't put any more pressure on.

Q. Is this like The Ryder Cup?
OLIVER WILSON: It's a little bit more relaxed. Overall it might be a little bit more relaxed. Obviously you're really good friends with everyone, the whole bunch of guys, everyone gets along well.

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