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September 12, 2009

Kevin Na


Q. 6-under par, Kevin, congratulations.
KEVIN NA: Thanks. I had a really good day. I went out there early and posted a number.

Q. You went right over to the ShotLink computer. What have you learned? What did you go for? What do you want to know?
KEVIN NA: I usually after the round like to check my stats, what percentage of fairways and what percentage of greens I hit, because I know I hit one out of the first seven greens today. I said, oh, boy, I'd better start hitting some greens.
I did, I hit every green after that until the 18th hole, which I wasn't able to because I was in the bunker, so I started playing better.

Q. What about where you are in points? Is this something that you're concerned with, that you're thinking about? You make a big move last week. You're currently inside the Top 30. Are you paying attention to all that?
KEVIN NA: I'm paying as close attention as anybody else out here probably. I am eyeing this computer every day. I've learned that -- well, the first FedExCup Playoff I finished 24th by shooting 4-under on Sunday and moved up a spot. Last week I finished 11th, but I lost a spot, which when you look at it, you finish 11th and lose a spot. But because of the point gap, I've kind of got a little bit of a cushion with the 30th place position.
I came in this week, I thought, as long as you don't finish dead last, you're looking good. So I'm not finishing dead last.

Q. We tell our listeners what it means to make it to the TOUR Championship for a guy in your position, but in your own words what would it mean to play in the TOUR Championship, not only for this year but going forward.
KEVIN NA: Well, you know, the TOUR Championship is a big deal, Top 30 players at the end of the year. It means you had a great year. Obviously I didn't have a win. If you have a win, no matter what you do, it's a great year. But if you finish Top 30 -- every year if you're in the TOUR Championship you're considered a top player on the TOUR. Not only that, next year I'll get exempt into The Masters, the U.S. Open. So it's a big deal.
I'm looking like I'm almost -- I don't want to say a lock, but it's looking pretty good.

Q. If you keep playing the way you're playing, you don't have to look tomorrow when you get finished.
KEVIN NA: Yes, and I'll be making my first trip to Augusta, and that's something I've been dreaming about since I was a kid.

Q. You're still a kid.
KEVIN NA: I'm 26 next week.

Q. You're the youngest wily old veteran on the PGA TOUR.
KEVIN NA: I mean, I'm turning 26 on Tuesday next week, and this is my sixth year on TOUR, and I'm loving it. Hopefully 20 years down the road, I'll be giving a 20-year-old kid a hard time.

Q. You were the youngest player on the PGA TOUR when you came out at 19 years old, and now a grizzled veteran some six years later.
KEVIN NA: I'm not an old guy, but it sure seems like I'm getting there.

Q. You're only 26 and already fully vested in the retirement program.

Q. I'm sure that's a big concern of yours at this point.
KEVIN NA: That's nice, but I don't really look at it.

Q. Big step made today with the round of the week. Congratulations. A little more work tomorrow, and what knows what could happen.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, another round like this tomorrow, I might be in it for the win.

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