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August 14, 2009

Rafael Nadal


7-6, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You had a good first set. After that you went a little bit down.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. Normal, no? I very happy with my first set, no? My best level after the injury, and I was playing very good, I think. So very happy about the matchup today, no?
It was a little bit normal after almost two months outside of competition. Was tough for me play at this level. I needed more concentration than usual.
Physically, too, mentally at the same time, was tough to be focused during all the match. I had big chance in the 5-2. I played a great point for 6-2, but he hit a good lob shot, no?
No, I'm very happy and everything was very positive today.

Q. The knees are fine?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, the knees are very good, so that's very good. Yeah, I must be very happy about this tournament, yeah.

Q. So it's better than expected?
RAFAEL NADAL: The level of today, for sure. Yes, no? I played against Del Potro. Del Potro is coming after winning Washington. He's playing at very good level.
And I was at the same level as him in the first set, no? And I had big chance to win the first. So that's a very positive thing for me. I'm very happy about that.
I thought, you know, maybe if I won the first set I can relax a little bit in the second and try another time in the third, no? But, yeah, was tough to be concentrate all the time. You need a little bit more, more hours.

Q. Do you think that you can be somewhere near your best at the US Open? Do you think you have enough time to be playing your best tennis then?
RAFAEL NADAL: We will see in two weeks. Two weeks, we will see. Well, better in three.

Q. It was good to see you playing in the tournament.
RAFAEL NADAL: Thank you.

Q. It's a different question. Do you like or support an idea or a thought of a tennis All-Star game like North American sporting of baseball, basketball, NHL All-Star game? Same selection, same procedure by Internet voting, by the fan and journalist? Do you like or support or absolutely refuse this idea?
RAFAEL NADAL: Our All-Star I think is the Masters Cup. I think that you can do a lot of things. It's an idea. I don't know. You can propose to the ATP.

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