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August 13, 2009

Robert Allenby


Q. Just some opening comments on the round today, a 69.
ROBERT ALLENBY: Yeah, I guess I'm very happy with the way I played today. You know, it's always nice to get away to a good start in a major, and you know, I played solid all day. It was only 15 that I came undone on and I didn't hit that bad a tee shot. It was going down the left side. It was only just going to miss the fairway, and plugged it in the face of the fairway trap, which doesn't happen very often. But obviously they have put a lot of sand in that spot there, and I could only advance it just a little ways down the fairway. I still couldn't reach the green. Made a little bit of a mess up around the green.
But I bounced back really nicely on 16 with a birdie there, so you know, I'm very happy with 3-under. I think it's a good score on this golf course, and the wind has started to get a little bit tricky out there at times. And the greens got a little bit bumpy as well, so if someone said I was going to shoot 3-under on the first round today, would I have taken it, so pretty happy with it.

Q. Did the course firm up a lot from the practice round to today?
ROBERT ALLENBY: Well, actually I played yesterday afternoon. I played the front nine and it was a lot firmer yesterday afternoon than what it was this morning. I guess there was a lot of moisture probably in the air and also on the ground.
So you know, saying that, some of the greens were pretty soft, and you know, we were able to fire at them. But still, you've still got to hit the fairways and you've still got to hit the irons and you've got to make the putts.
There's some holes that you can take advantage of when it's soft. But I know, as the tournament goes on, it's going to be a completely different ballgame. If they predicted the 30-mile-an-hour winds that they are going to have tomorrow, things will get pretty tricky around here.

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