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May 22, 2009

Ben Curtis


BEN CURTIS: Well, it was quite good after nine on, or eight on, really. Hit some good shots coming in and got off to a tough start, but it was first seven or eight holes are not easy into the wind, ball is bouncing all over the place, and it was tough to judge the wind, as well. But once we got that figured out, played quite nicely.

Q. You've had a very consistent game this season, but not as many high finishes as you've been looking for; is that a fair assessment?
BEN CURTIS: Yeah, fair assessment, making the cuts, getting in there, but finishing between 25th and 45th, it seems every week, but it's a good sign because you know it's close to being really good. I feel like it's coming along and one week, I'll hit it good, and next week, I hit it not as good and putt a little bit better and it kind of evens itself out.
I'm looking forward to this weekend, and it's going to be a tough test. I think the weather is going to be good and the ball is going to be bouncing again.

Q. What brings you here, what's the thinking? You're obviously a member of The European Tour.
BEN CURTIS: Obviously here was a no-brainer. I've been here four or five times now and know the course well, it's not like I have to do much learning. It's basically going into next week, being in London, as well, it's easy, come over for two weeks and not have to get on a plane and travel 12 hours back home.

Q. How seriously are you thinking about The Race to Dubai?
BEN CURTIS: It if all goes according to plan, it will be very serious, and it will be in the Top 60, I think you have to be, but hopefully it will be better than that, Top 20, have a chance to win.

Q. Will you change your schedule depending how things work out?
BEN CURTIS: I basically said at the beginning of the year I have my tournaments lined up for the rest of the year. Just depends on how I play depends on where I'll be playing.

Q. Do you have the family over with you and are they enjoying visiting London?
BEN CURTIS: Yeah, they went to Legoland the other day, spent eight hours there, and wore the kids out which is good. It's a lot of fun, my wife loves London.

Q. As a golfer, too, it's a challenge for you to play different courses, different countries, rather than playing a similar style of course every week, which you get a lot of time on the PGA Tour to be fair.
BEN CURTIS: It would be a lot like this week maybe with just a little bit more rough would be the only difference on our tour and the greens would be a little bit firmer. The greens are still receptive here which makes it nice.
It's a change of pace, and not seeing the same faces, as well. It's quite nice to be over here and see some new faces and people I have not seen in a while.

Q. This is the Flagship Event of The European Tour and it does have the air of a big event, doesn't it.
BEN CURTIS: You can tell when you drive in, this is something special. It's a special place and Wentworth is obviously a great club and it's always been a great championship.

Q. How much would it mean to you to win here on Sunday afternoon?
BEN CURTIS: Obviously any win you take, it doesn't matter what tournament, but to win one of the biggest tournaments in Europe would be a lot of fun and something that I strive to do. But obviously I still have to play better this week.

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