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May 17, 2009
DOUG MILNE: Okay. James Driscoll, thanks for joining us for a few minutes. Obviously a lot of golf left to be played, so let's focus specifically on your round. Incredible round today, six birdies, an eagle, no bogeys, 8-under par 62. You really turned it on. Just a couple comments on what clicked for you today.
JAMES DRISCOLL: I'm not sure. I mean I played pretty solid the first few rounds, and today was one of those rounds where everything fell into place.
The first three rounds I played pretty well and made some sloppy bogeys and made some good birdies, and today was almost perfect. I left a few out there, but really just a clean, solid round.
DOUG MILNE: Okay. I told you we wouldn't keep you but five minutes, so we'll take questions.
Q. Today with the north wind, certainly 85 percent of the time nobody plays the course when there's a north wind. Was it markedly different than it was a couple days ago? A lot of guys seem to be kind of treading water.
JAMES DRISCOLL: Yeah. It's weird to be playing certain holes, like No. 2, for example. You step up on No. 2 the first couple days and you really want to hit a 240 shot and it's going fly out 260 and then it's 290, and today you hit a pump driver.
So it's just hard to change because you mentally think, hold in here. Just try to filet it, rescue or 5-wood. Now you gotta pump driver to get it. It's mentally hard to adjust.
The wind's almost flip-flopped. A lot of holes are playing much different. Some holes you could drive on Thursday and Friday and now you're hitting 7-iron into it. So yeah, it's much different.
Q. You almost won in New Orleans a few years back, and you really haven't been in contention much, just once in the Top 10. Where did this come from? What have you been able to do to kind of get yourself back in this position?
JAMES DRISCOLL: A lot of things. I've been working hard on the right things as of late. Like I've had a lot of off weeks, so I'm working on my short game a lot.
Started working with mental coach, Lenny Basham. He's worked with a bunch of other guys out here, and saw him in the off season, and things really clicked this week, and I think -- you know, I've always had the belief it was just a matter of time before I had some good weeks. And you know, with hard work and patience things usually turn out well at some point.
Q. Probably feel like you've had the game and just hadn't gotten more out of it?
JAMES DRISCOLL: Yeah. I always feel like I haven't really played as well as I could. Last year I played pretty well. Even though I had only one Top 10, I felt pretty good about how I played last year. I think I had like ten Top-25s or something, which isn't anything great, but it's not bad to have that many times be like somewhat in the periphery of the hunt. You know what I mean? (Laughs).
Q. That's right. James, talk a little bit about maybe your past history here or why you decided to come and play here this year.
JAMES DRISCOLL: I've never played here, and that's a shame. I probably should have come here. (Laughs).
Q. What was it that brought you here this year?
JAMES DRISCOLL: I have conditional status this year, so I'm only going to get into 15 events, and I'm not going to pass any of them up. And I thought it was a great chance to play some tournaments that I haven't played. I've only been on Tour, I guess this is my fourth year. So I'm definitely glad I came.
Q. You started this round eight strokes back. When you started out, what did you think your chances were?
JAMES DRISCOLL: I really didn't even think of it. I mean I gave it maybe two seconds of thought. I was like, if I have -- every day people have shot 62, and yesterday Zach shot a 60. It's out there every day. And I was like, well -- literally thought about it for two seconds -- if I shoot 62, then maybe I have a chance.
And I always felt like I had those three rounds of pretty solid and you just need to throw that one awesome round in there, and I was lucky enough to do it today. You can't really plan on it or think that it's definitely going to happen, but just patience is all it was.
Q. Coming here for the first time, did it take you a couple days to figure out the course or was that something that maybe the first time around on Tuesday?
JAMES DRISCOLL: Well, if you figured out the course after the first two rounds, you're going to be scratching your head the third and the fourth because the wind totally switched.
So I think having the wind switch like that, I don't think I was at that much of a disadvantage because the course played a lot different.
I talked to some other guys, and they said they've been here five years and the course plays the exact same every time. The wind pumps from the south, so they might even be a little more rattled by the wind change than me because I don't know much of a difference. So I kind of really wasn't fazed that much by it.
DOUG MILNE: Well, easy in and out. Thanks for your time. We'll get you back in here.
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