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May 8, 2009

Kevin Na


Q. Conditions were pretty good for scoring, obviously you played pretty well?
KEVIN NA: Alex and I played awesome. As a group to be 11-under par, that's something. I put a hundred bucks right now saying no group is going to beat that. Actually there is threesomes out there, but I still don't think so.

Q. Two guys, anyway?

Q. How did you end up in Vegas, what appeals to you about that place, and how much do you enjoy the local entertainment?
KEVIN NA: I like the golf course there. The TPC at Summerland is a great golf course. We have the Justin Timberlake tournament there. It's just a great place to practice. The Canyons, now called TPC Las Vegas, has a great driving range. They're both good golf courses, and that was a big reason why. And Vegas has a good airport where you can fly direct, also. I'm not much of a gambler, so that's one of the reasons why I can move there. If I was a gambler I probably wouldn't.

Q. No temptations?
KEVIN NA: Yeah. I've been taking it easy when I'm back home and it's been great.

Q. Alex lives there, too?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, we were calling each other neighbors; nice putt there, neighbor. He made a lot of putts and so did I. We were making fun of each other. It's like, man, the hole is too big. It's like, come on, you made it. Another putt? Are you kidding me. And we had a great time out there. And that was I think the reason why we both played well.

Q. What was the injury last week?
KEVIN NA: I had a stiff neck and a shoulder a little bit and I didn't want to keep playing to make it worse coming into this event. I got it worked on and I felt better.

Q. Is that something that just cropped up?
KEVIN NA: I've been practicing a lot and I did take the week of New Orleans off and I practiced a lot in Florida and I think I over practiced a little bit. Even right now my right quad is really stiff and I've been massaging it myself, putting some freeze cream on it, and the back is a little stiff. I'm 25 years old and my body is falling apart.

Q. Thank God it's hot and you loosened up?
KEVIN NA: Definitely. I think I've been over practicing.

Q. You've been ramping up to this, your results this spring and to this point, I mean you were playing really well at Bay Hill and other spots along the way, so it can't be a surprise.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I've had four top-10s and one 11, it's almost like five top-10s. I did play poorly the last two tournaments, but I think it was more because I was probably trying too hard than anything else.

Q. What's the final piece of the puzzle for getting that first win for you, since you've knocked on a few doors?
KEVIN NA: I think it's my tee ball. If I can get in the fairway the rest of my game has been pretty good. I have to drive in the fairway.

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