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May 2, 2009

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/F. González
6-3, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Are you pleased with your match today and the fact you'll be in the final once again?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, very happy. Sure, very good result 6-3, 6-3 against tough opponent like Fernando, so it's very good result. I'm very happy about be in this final another time, no?
Always playing in Rome is a pleasure. The crowd was always fantastic with me. I remember a lot of things about the finals of here. Always the crowd supported me a lot, so it's always amazing feeling come back here and be in the final.

Q. You said yesterday you made quite a lot of mistakes. Did you feel today that you eliminated, got rid of, the mistakes and it was a better performance?
RAFAEL NADAL: I have some ones. I had one bad game with my serve after the 3-2 in the first set when I had the first break. He broke me back in the 3-2 to 3-3. Yeah, I had only this moment, no?
Later I had -- no, I didn't have a lot of mistakes, no? And when I have the mistakes, it's because I can do the mistakes. I think yesterday I didn't feel this control some moments. But today, yes, I am happy.

Q. How much do you feel you have improved since Monte-Carlo? You're playing Novak in the final again.
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if I am better or worse. I don't know.
The only thing I know is I won in Monte-Carlo and I won in Barcelona. That's very good news for me. And final in Rome, so that's unbelievable. I'm very happy about everything.
I know tomorrow going to be a really tough match, and I have to be playing at my 100% to have good chances to win, no?

Q. How do you feel the conditions are here comparing to Monte-Carlo?
RAFAEL NADAL: A little bit different, yeah.

Q. Is it your favorite, or...
RAFAEL NADAL: No. Monte-Carlo is, yeah. Monte-Carlo is. Always I feel the ball more inside the racquet in Monte-Carlo. Here the ball is...

Q. It's slower here?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think here is faster, yeah. More crazy bounce. I like that, but you have to be playing really well.

Q. Against Novak, what is the key for you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Important thing is don't have a lot of mistakes. He gonna to play aggressive, I think, because it's his game. I gonna to try to play aggressive, too. I have to play aggressive with my forehand and try to have control of the point with my forehand. That's what I gonna try, no?
If I don't do that gonna be really difficult, because if he is attacking me is really tough to play against Novak, no?

Q. Are you ready for the football game?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I am ready. If you are ready, I am ready.

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