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April 27, 2009

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How do you feel physically at the moment with the weeks you've had?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, well, no problem. Perfect.

Q. Not tired?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. I didn't have very long matches on the final of Monte-Carlo. But, yeah, Barcelona I had, yeah, first two rounds 6-2, 6-2, 6-2, 6-0; later I have 6-2, 6-3. It's tougher, and the final was tough, no, but not very tough. Not really long match, so that's a good thing for to try play well the three weeks in a row.

Q. Comparing the current situation of pro men's tennis to some years ago, there are less clay court specialists than maybe three or five years ago. Who do you think at the moment is the most dangerous competitor for you on clay?
RAFAEL NADAL: The more dangerous competitor is every day the opponent. You know, that's the thing, and I know now tough is win every match.
When I go on court, I have a lot of respect for every player, no? So when I go on court, before the match I always think I can lose and I can win. I have to accept both things, so I go on court and try my best every day and respect the opponent.
If you are thinking I gonna say, I don't know, Federer or Djokovic or Murray, everybody is very good, sure. They are the No. 2, 3, and 4, but every player can play really good on every surface.
I think right now, because every year for last years we have less tournaments on clay. The best players of the world -- well, we gonna change the thing, no? Because in that moment, most of the tournaments of the world are hard, indoor, or...
Yeah, everybody plays good in every surface, no? The clay court players can play very well in the rest of the surfaces, and the hard court players can play very well on clay because the surface is different, but not like before. It's not really, really fast the hard, and the and the clay is not really slow.

Q. Does Rome offer anything different in conditions to, say, Monaco or Barcelona? Is it a little different to play here?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no? Well, I didn't practice.

Q. From your past experience.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I don't know.

Q. Same?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, I always love this tournament, no? I like it a lot. I won three years, so I had very nice memories of that tournament, well, especially on the last center court. Now there is not.
But, yeah, sure, for us it's much better if the sunshine come, no?

Q. Now you have won for the fifth time Monte-Carlo, and after Barcelona. How much are you disappointed to have not won here on last year? Not so special?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no. I'm very happy to have three titles here. Not disappointed to don't have the title last year, no? The normal thing always is don't win, so the normal thing is lose.
The unusual is win five Monte-Carlos in a row and five Barcelonas in a row. For me, that's more than a dream. That's totally unbelievable for me, and I never expect something like this.
The normal thing is -- well, yeah, is more usual lose in first round in Rome than win three Romes in a row.

Q. To be No 1, the best in tennis, does it give you more feeling of comfortable or more pressure?
RAFAEL NADAL: Not one and not the other, no? Doesn't change a lot, no, be No. 1. It's only a number. Not a big difference between No. 1 and the rest, or be No. 2 for the last few years for me.
So, yes, sure, when I came to No. 1 last year it was important -- you know, I don't know important victory, but it's important satisfaction for me, because I worked very hard all my life to be there.
But in the end, I have the same goals right now than when I was No. 2. I say that hundred times this year. But my goal is continuing improve my tennis and continuing having a good results, and try to improve always.

Q. Sorry this is not a clay court question, but did you see the image of the roof on the centre court at Wimbledon? And what do you think of that as a change for tennis?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I saw the picture. Looks nice, no? Hopefully we don't have to use, but yeah, looks nice. It's a good option.

Q. How do you feel about having to meet Verdasco too soon in the match? You have to encounter him too early because he's in your part of the draw.
RAFAEL NADAL: The normal thing is -- I don't know if we going to be in quarterfinals, no? You can see there, I don't know, Seppi. I'm looking there. I don't know if Verdasco looks to the quarterfinals. But, me, I look the first round, no?

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