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March 29, 2009
7-5, 6-2
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How concerned were you down 5-4 in the first there?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't even remember being down 5-4, to be honest. I mean, obviously I must have been concerned, but until my hitter was like, You were down 5-4, I didn't remember.
Q. How do you feel you played? Did you feel you played better as the match went on?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I definitely played better as the match went on. I didn't play great. I had a lot of unforced errors. I haven't made that many unforced errors in a while.
Q. You and Venus have dominated at this tournament. Why do you think that is? Is it the home crowd? Is it the home court? What does it for you?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Home crowd, home court, I don't know. I mean, we just really enjoy playing, and we just, I don't know, get up for this tournament.
Q. Do you have one year that you can look back and say, wow, that was spectacular, that stands out?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Um, hmmm. Um, I don't remember. It's too late, you know. I don't quite remember. There's so many. I mean, I remember playing Capriati a couple times in the final. I don't know who else I played in the final.
Q. What about the year you came back against Henin? Does that kind of stand out as a big win?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I didn't have a spectacular year that year, so not really.
Hmm, I remember when I played Venus. I don't know if it was the final, and I think I lost. I think it was the final. I think I lost.
I remember the traffic was so much, it was from the toll booth all the way to the tennis, and that stood out for me.
Q. Coming in before the match?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Uh-huh. It was crazy. And we had to wait a long time to start the match because it was so much traffic.
Q. Does the night crowd do anything for you, the energy? Does it kind of help you feel your game a little bit?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I think every player loves to play at night. I don't care when I play, really. So I think it's always -- always really fun.
Q. You have to turn right around and be right back at again tomorrow afternoon. Three days in a row. Is that a problem, concern? Are you happy to just keep going?
SERENA WILLIAMS: No, not anymore. I'm used to playing every day. And, you know, I like to play matches every day, because it kind of keeps your energy up and kind of keeps you going and keeps you motivated.
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